Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Photos posted (and I'm a moron)

Photos are up at the Fotki site. Also, due to a communication difficulty in my brain, I mistakenly thought Hannah was spelled without an 'h'. I will dedicate the next 18 years to correcting this mistake.


  1. you really will live to regret leaving out that "h". I had it typed with an "h" but reread your email...and changed it. Silly Remi. I guess it's that lack of sleep or stress or something ;)

  2. Oh Remi...I'm sure she'll forgive you someday. I, too, had typed it w/ an "h" on the end, but changed it b/c of your post. Well, welcome to the world, HannaH! Your daddy is a crazy man...good luck! :)

    She's adorable! Congrats, again! ~Jill

  3. Sue posted signs at Luke's then I called her and blamed her for spelling it she changed them all...then we found out it did have an "h" at the she changed them again. Of course she is blaming me that she had to change them again, so your not the only one in hot water:)

    P.S. She's a beauty:) Lots of Love Brian, Lisa & Luke

  4. Not to worry Remi, you spelling her name wrong isn't the main reason she'll need therapy when she gets older.

    Congrats on a beautiful child, and making us feel like we were there with all the website updates.

    - Sean and Jeannine.

  5. Grandma Pam is posting for your Aunt Marie......Your Aunt Marie said she felt she was there with the updates on the website and really appreciates you doing the blog. She felt she was there and you are one in million for doing this.She said she attempted to post the comments but was not able to do it.
