Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Afternoon Tea

No tea here, but it's just that time. Ashley is resting now, with the Pitocin (thanks, Caroline [ed: too many people with the same name]!) taking more of an effect. Contractions harder and closer now, but still no baby! Our nurse rotates out at 3:30pm, which means we'll likely see a third shift of nurses. Hopefully jr. will arrive before we see shift #4!


  1. yeah man good luck hope the baby comes soon!!!

  2. hope things start to move quicker for you now : ) can't wait to see pics of the little one!!! meighan

  3. Ahhh you guys crack me up!!! First, I can't believe you're actually having the baby on the due date, second we are so excited for you!!! Good luck with everything--you look great, Ash, and we can't wait to see baby! Hopefully things will go speedily! :) Congrats!!! ~Jill
    P.S. Chris sends his love and best wishes from somewhere on a river in NY... :)
