Monday, January 31, 2011

Manic Monday

Look what we are "trying" out! The potty!!!!
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Sunday, January 30, 2011


For some reason when I tried to upload this from my blackberry it wouldn't work! But I got it to! :) I just LOVE this video! She's loving saying Hannah and is becoming a little person! She is something else! Don't ya just dig her crooked pigtails and the head band that's probably squeezing her head b/c it's Tessa's!!! She definitely has personality!

Hope you enjoy!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

little helper!

**Warning: breatfeeding by little momma going on**

Can you tell there is a lot of breastfeeding going on at our house?!?(Just Tess not Hannah! thought I would clear that up right away! I stopped Hannah at 11 months)

So this little momma is my little helper as well as a momma to all 8 of her baby dolls she got for Christmas! And I think I have it bad with 2! haha This particular night she climbed right on the couch with me and grabbed her baby and said "baybeee mulch" (baby milk) and she pulled her shirt up and sat there for a whole......3 minutes maybe?!? It was the cutest thing she's done in a while!

Cheese! She will point to my chest and say Tess mulch, Yes honey that is where Tess get's her milk from. Then she will find her sippy cup and say Hannah mulch. She knows whats up!
Sunday we met Jon and Jess at Red Robin for dinner at 4:30pm.......We (well Remi) thought we would try going earlier to dinner to avoid any meltdowns by Hannah. IT WAS THE BEST IDEA EVER! She was AMAZING! People commented, the waiter commented, our friends did, it was AWESOME! Noone could believe how well she was behaving and was eating! We all got burgers and got Hannah her own "kiddie" burger and she ate the ENTIRE thing! Plus a bunch of fries before the meal arrived!
Check out the size of the kids burger! It was a little big smaller than ours! She also had apples and left maybe 1 slice of apple and some bread from the bun then was asking for ICE CREAM! I told her if she was good and well we could have ice cream for dessert! She deserved it and candy too but we didn't go that far!!!!!!
Banana Icecream for my little snow angel! FYI at Red Robin their fry basket is never ending so when you sit down you can ask for fries right away and get more if you need them! So that also helped in keeping little miss on the go entertained that and her performance of animal sounds with actions! :) Perfection!
Settling in at home getting ready for bed! I can NOT get over how Tess has no neck! I don't think shes that big but she looks a Buddha sometimes! Tess is serious about some milk time with momma and Hannah is well Hannah with her silly caught faces!

Cutest piggy tails E V E R.

Atleast mommy and daddy think so! We got like 6 inches of snow so we are all warm and cozy having a snack on our "snow day".

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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

BIG sister reading to little sister

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Sister love!

They just melt my heart! They are always so happy to see each other!!!
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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Craft Time

 We set out the other day to Micheal's and got some supplies to make ourselves a Valentines Day wreath for our front door! I've made a bunch before but not a V-Day one! It was fun because Hannah helped pick out the ribbon, the hearts, and of course ran around the store and was a terror! haha

Here is my lovely sweet gal, giving me the don't take my picture look. At least she is looking usually she turns or looks down on purpose!

Half way there, She said whenever I used the hot glue gun "mommy use" yup thats right girl it's for momma only!
 See she's looking down! Was all happy and smiley then I try to take a picture and she looks away! Little bugger!

Monday, January 24, 2011


Here is "baby tessh" as Hanah calls her! I can't believe shes babbling already! She's such a happy baby we all can't get enough of her! AND tonight for the first time she's sleeping in her crib!!!! She's sleeping great and through the night so why not right??! Except I will miss her, hearing her breathe, looking over at her, smelling her, and snugging with her before bed :(

We all got snuggles and lots of kisses from both girls tonight before bed! Tonight was perfect! Great dinner, play time, baths.....just the 4 of us :)


I'm finally getting around to uploading video's from my Blackberry to the blog! Next videos I will just upload straight to the blog!!! If it works!

This is probably my favorite video and the pictures are just as hilarous! I don't think I blogged about our trip to Nashville maybe I did?? I don't remember but if not I will post pics! The girls were aweome and loved the slide! Ahhh to be back in those HOT HOT summer days! (Not pregnant this summer!) I think after this friged winter I will NOT complain at all this summer!!!!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Many faces of Tessa

The other night after Hannah went to bed I spent some quality time with Tessa, well I always do b/c I'm feeding her, bathing her, etc....but the other night Remi and I settled down to the couch for movies and some Tess time! She was in a happy mood and wanted to talk and be heard! :) Kinda hard during the day to be heard over her big sister!

She's just precious! I could love and kiss on her ALL day! I know I was this way with Hannah but I look at Tess and I'm like HOLY COW we have 2 kids! She fits perfectly into our family!!!

I just love how she gazes up at me (us) in amazement! She's experiencing so many things for the first time, I'm so lucky I get to see every minute of her every day!

Little buddha! Not really.....but man she's grown! I think she's longer than Hannah was at this point (3 months) Her 0-3 months are a little snug when zipped so between her growing and the clothes being washed and worn the 2nd time around.

Her mouth is usually open and drool is spilling out.....I've been saying that for a while I know but Hannah NEVER drooled! So I cant get over Tess already getting drool on her shirts!

My little helper

So these days have been quiet crazy between all of us being sick, snow, migraines (I've been getting them again! ugh) So I have had my little side kick helping me out :) haha Help is used very loosely!

Hannah loves bathtime so I thought she would like to help give me bathing Tess. And she loved it, both of them! It was cute!

Hannah kept saying wash, wash. Then scrub scrub. Hannah listened well and didn't make too much of a watery mess!
Now helping me with the laundry, she likes to put the clothes in and help with the soap. It's amazing that I can tell her we need to do laundry and she gets the stool and knows that means washing the clothes! She's really putting things together and saying sentences!
Playing in the water....
ALL the clothes we washed and dried! Don't mind the Christmas decorations these pics were taken a week or so ago! Yes still a little late according to me but you gotta let a few things go and enjoy the smaller things in life!
Tess just sitting and hanging out! These was the first time she grabbed a toy and noticed she did! She kept looking around like hey where's that noise coming from! Too cute! She's growing too quick! Quicker than Hannah it seems.

She's such a happy baby and loves just sitting watching all of us. She usually needs a bib now b/c of all the drool shes producing.

That night we had curry for dinner and Hannah chowed down, she likes her liquids huh?? Milk, Water and Yogurt!

Friday, January 14, 2011


We had our usual playdate in the morning to the girls could play and nap well in the afternoon....I didn't take any while they were playing well because they really did not play they fought over all the toys, wanted what each other had, so it wasn't really photo moments! haha They are just at that age and they are girls! I'm working on sharing with Hannah and she's working the time out step really well!!

BFF's hugging it out! It looks like Maddie is towering over Hannah, but she's not really that much taller than her!

I get to wake up to that sweet face everyday! She's learning to not look at the camera now....lovely! She's at such a fun age!
Caught but again not looking at the camera!
We have a nice camera so I'm trying to figure it out and try different modes, not working so well but I thought this was a hoot, her princess shoes by the fridge and her train table. She runs around the house in those shoes with shirts and bows in her hair then plays with trains and airplanes all day! 
We have been such hermits lately, I hate the cold weather so budleing me and the girl's up is not on my to do list, but I guess I'm not wearing them out enough because they both are having trouble taking a nap and it's interupting my nip/tuck on the netflix! haha

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Our weekend

This past weekend we went to Richmond for Christmas with my extended family and for Remi's brother's 17th Birthday! So like all weekends at our parents it was a very busy one!!

Friday we ended up leaving late and getting to my parents just before diner by that time our family was arriving so most of them met Tessa for the first time. Unfortunately both of the girls were in rare form ( no naps not even in the car for Hannah) so it made for an interesting evening!! But ohwell Tessa napped a bit on people then was fine! She just looks thrilled here in this picture huh?? Shes usually very animated and smiley but she was just done here and ready for milk and sleep!! She slept awesome through the night 9pm till 7am ate and went back to bed till about 10:30am! :) Then she was one happy baby when she woke up!!!

 Princess Hannah having some birthday dinner.....PIZZA!
She's trying to put her hand into the cake here. She LOVES her Uncle Dewi like noone else matters when he is around! It's just precious and he loves it!!
 Chowing down on some cake that made her hands, lips, face everything blue! I think she ate so much that she even had a blue diaper if ya catch my drift! :) haha
I just love this picture, she's always looking up to her Uncle Deee-weee!!! Look at that smile on her face she just lights up when she sees him!!!
Happy Birthday Dewi! You would be reading this IF you friended us on facebook or knew our blog address...typical teenagers! haha!

Monday, January 10, 2011

3 Months

 Tessa was 3 months on January 5! Holy cow!!! Having a baby around the holidays sure makes things go by a blink of an eye! She's babbling, drooling (teething already?!?! uh oh!!!) looking around at everything, bobbing her head around, sleeping WONDERFULLY, nursing like a champ AND taking formula from a bottle here and there, I decided not to pump its to time consuming and Hannah gets into too much when I'm nursing, then give her another 30 mins to pump?!? wow I think not!

 -You are an amazing baby. I can not get enough of you!
 -I love kissing on those chubby cheeks of yours! Hannah did not have such round chubby cheeks. You have filled out and become Miss. Personality recently.
-You no longer look like a newborn, so tiny and fragile. You love your big sister, watching her, smiling at her, drooling on her and she LOVES giving you kisses and hugs and trying to sit next to you which she ends up sitting on you! haha! Your a trooper and we believe you are going to be a tough cookie! With Hannah around you need to be! She's so busy and into everything hopefully you will slow down and enjoy the roses and if not that's fine! You are who you are going to be!! We think can we really have 2 that are that busy!??! I've seen it and the answer is YES!

You are an easy going baby, you nurse, take a bottle, breast-milk, formula, you don't care as long as your fed!
-You usually go to bed around 8:30 and will (and has been for a month now) sleep till 7am usually wake up HAPPY!
-I love looking over at you in the bassinet in our room and watch you kick around, babble or just stare at the ceiling!
-You smile so big when we pick you up, then you nurse for a while and sometimes go back to sleep for another hour or 2! I could NOT be happier and I LOVE the sleep but somehow I'm still exhausted! But I'm getting use to it! So up and happy again by 10 then we play, get dressed, run errands and are back home eat lunch, nurse, then we ALL 3 take naps from 1-4 perfection!!!!!!!!
-Then you chow again play, snooze in the swing or bouncy seat, we do bath, nurse more nursing (we gotta stuff ya for your looooong night of sleep!) then bed and again you go to bed by 830 without any fuss!! -Hannah was the same way somehow we got SUPER LUCKY 2 great sleepers and easy babies!!!!!!! We are blessed and know it!

You don't go to see Dr. K this month so that means no shots! Yay! I need to weight you myself and measure you to see how much you have grown!

Do you like our little Christmas present??? I think it's PERFECT! 

 She's a mover and groover she scoots herself down all the time! And those hands are always waving around!
 Big sister with messy slippers! lol, Tessa you look less then thrilled to have her sitting with you! Does she have a stinky or something!??!
 Just hanging out........
We love you and can't wait to watch you grow us a favor and slow down! :)

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Happy New Years!

 Goodbye 2010, Hello 2011!!!! What will you bring our way this year?!!?

Well continuing with our tradition we got decorations and had a mini party with just us and the kiddies, well had an early party with Tessa and she was thrilled as always :)
 But like last year we woke our sleeping beauty!!(Yes sounds crazy but why not and she's awesome and goes back to sleep just fine) She was in deep sleep and we felt bad BUT she had to see what was coming!
 Time for your party hat!!!!!!!! I think she was sleeping standing up here!
 And again sleeping pretty much, she was saying night night up!  awww
 Countdown!! Getting more into it with her snack and cup!
 HAPPY NEW YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!
Our neighborhood sets off major fireworks so we wanted her to see them and not be woken up by them (scared) and we weren't sure how she was going to react to them but she LOVED them! It was of course FREEZING so we watched the fireworks from our front door. It was about a 15 min show, pretty impressive if I must say! :) We could hear the boom inside our house so they were the HUGE 3-4 starburst that lit up the sky! I can't wait till the 4th of July this year! We can actually take her to see them and she will be amazed! She kept saying boom boom boom when they went off! We waited till the show was over and headed to bed and all slept in till 8am! AMAZING!!!! Great way to start off the New Year! No beer, No champagne, NO HANGOVER=AWESOME! Actually to tell the truth, we never (well haven't in 4 or 5 years) done anything for NYE! I was usually working at the restaurant or bartending making bank on other drunk people! So why pass that up right?!?! What I make in a week on one night?!?! Heck yeah!

Anyway those days are long gone but I couldn't think of anything better than being home in PJ's all warm and snuggly with my family of 4!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Christmas Morning!!!!!!

If you ask Hannah who's Birthday it was she would say "baby Jesus"!!! Its just precious! I just love this picture of her! Remi went in Christmas Morning to get her and this is what she looked like! This girl sleeps hard and usually her hair in the back is like a birds nest! But here it makes it look like her hair was curled and that there is a lot of it! Which is so not the case!! She has hair but not a lot compared to most (almost) 2 year olds!
 Everythings all ready and video cameras, camera's fire going......(you will see what I mean soon)
 What is that BIG present Hannah?!?!? She's in shock and awe she doesn't know what shes suppose to do!!! See the fireplace?? On the new Shrek movie it has a option for a yulog! So we had the fire going........too bad it doesn't put out heat! Next house it's a must!
 I love here how she is so content on playing with that one little corner, she was putting the trains together here
 She found the AH-AH (airplane) shes a happy girl!!!
 FINALLY got ALL the paper off!!! and she's off riding the rail lines!
 Across the bridge and through the mountain and DOWN the hill..................
 Cheese!!!!!! Present time!!!!!
 Tess is snoozing away on her Meme!!!! Meme came in from Texas to visit for a few weeks and especially see Hannah her # 1 girl!! Hannah just walked into here and said Meme and Tess!
 Fake cry/laugh!
 All dressed up and at a party! Trying to feed Nana a chocolate covered pretzel!

It snowed!!!!! We had a white Christmas and here's daddy outside throwing snowballs at her!