Tuesday, March 10, 2009

It's 3(:45)am and I want to go to bed!

"I think you are getting your wish" Ashley says, as she shakes me awake at 3:45 am. I was dreaming peacefully of....well, something. I don't really recall, but I know it was peaceful. Then it was a flurry of socks, underwear, toiletries, and electronics as we got ready to leave the house.
We made it out of the door by 5:30, on the road to AAMC. A quick stop by McDonalds for some greasy b-fast goodness, and we were there. Well, almost. Ashley was giving me directions to the hospital (which I know how to get to, by the way) and they were confusing. So we went by it twice before we made it there. But we still had plenty of time!

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