Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Baby Smith Situation: Day 2

There's still no baby. Sorry! Momma has been up for most of the evening with moderate to severe contraction pains, which have been made better, but not eliminated, by the epidural. The Dr. will be in sometime soon to re-assess the situation.


  1. So I guess this is the time to tell you Erika has a friend who has given birth to two babies in three hours COMBINED. we were 36 hours, so we know what it's like to hate those people.

  2. My long now. I hope Dr. Lockhart will do something to help Baby Smith come NOW!! I feel for you guys every post I read. It won't be long now though.


  3. Awww... baby clearly wanted a few more peaceful hours before being bombarded with the force that is his/her father! He/ She knows that Ashley's the only safe one in that family!! J/K... :P

    We're thinking about you! So much for teaching my 6th graders today...I've become totally obsessed w/ baby updates! (Yep, I fall into that "nerd" category, too! It's all good!!) ~Jill and Chris

  4. We've tried to post a few times. Hopefully this one will make it. We're feeling for you guys. It sounds like it won't be long now. You'll forget quickly and be ready for the next in no time at all.
    Thinking of you...colorado Smiths

  5. I couldn't wait to get up and find out if Baby Smith had arrived! Sorry that it is taking so long! Glad Ashley had the epidural ... more prayers going up for you and that it won't be much longer!

    love you guys!

  6. Can someone check the baby birth time pool...I think I'm March 12th at like 1am so I need Ash to hold out a little longer... Jas

  7. Come on lil one! You can do it!

    Love you guys! And sorry ash that its taking so long!

    Hopefully I will see you guys soon! I think I'm coming up today with mom and nana!

    <3 Erin
