Tuesday, March 31, 2009

3 week appointment!

Hannah had her 3 week checkup today and had some blood drawn from her heel for the PKU testing. It hurt me to watch her scream and be in pain!!! She weighted 6 lbs 13 oz when we left the hospital and now weights 8 lbs 3 oz!!!! She's getting chunky! But still beautiful! I'm nursing so its great to know she's gaining weight, it means I'm doing something right!!! She is amazing, we are still in awe that she is our baby girl!!! I really think that the way you are when your pregnant and your personality really show through in your child, even baby (or newborn). I'm a very happy outgoing person (most days! ha) and she's that way too, always happy smiling, and just peaceful. For now right?!?! I will post her 3 week old pictures tomorrow! I forgot to take a 2 week old pic of her with a sign :( please forgive me! I will try harder! Well hope everyone enjoyed the update of our baby Hannah!!!! Goodnight!!!

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