Tuesday, April 20, 2010

We're going to the zoo....you can come too......

We have had a busy but fun weekend!! Our friends Allison, Jim and their son Maddox came up for a last minute road trip. They got up late Saturday night and stayed through Monday. We had some things going on Sunday Remi had to get ready for a trip so we stayed back while they went to Baltimore and did some sightseeing. On Monday we got up and out the house early and went to the DC Zoo!!! That was so much fun! It was a beautiful day for being outside!!! I took some awesome pictures and the desktops are back up and running but we have to order a new memory card reader so sorry for the delay on the pictures but here is one from Allison's camera!

Thanks for coming up!!! We had a blast and can't wait for more adventures with our kiddies!!! OH and Maddox who is 11 months old walked across our kitchen!!! Yay for walkers!!!!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Sunday in Annapolis

Continuing with the theme of the weekend....eating we met some friends Jon and Jess in Annapolis for dinner Sunday night. We took them out to dinner because this weekend they are getting married in JAMAICA! We were suppose to be going to their wedding but someone had to take a business trip during the same time.............

So we went to Pusser's a restaurant and bar that we really like. We had a good time, although for some reason Hannah was just a bit of a pill. So after she ate and I chowed down like 1/2 my food I took her for a walk and let her stretch her legs and she was much happier. I don't know why she didn't enjoy this pretty view from her highchair?? Or sharing my seat?? Weird kid.

Relaxing with daddy Sunday morning before church.

Sunday dinner...leftovers from the restaurant b/c she didn't want to sit still enough to eat.

She enjoyed it this time around.

I'm thinking that my little independent bugger wants to feed herself and that might be why she throws food on the floor (that and the dog begging at her feet but he goes out now when she's in the chair) So we gave her the piece of chicken tender and she went to town. Don't worry we are right there and she took "bites" as her daddy taught her and she chews then takes another bite!

Bottoms up......

Hannah ate like a queen this weekend, lasagna for lunch (see the first picture) I think she liked it just a bit huh?? Dinner we went to a friends house and grilled steaks and had baked potatoes, salad, etc...she LOVED steak. I think love is an understatement she was sitting on my lap and Remi was cutting up the steak all 3 of us and I think she got more than any of us.......I've never seen anything like it! We couldn't believe the way she ate it up. She likes chicken but hamburger and other meats she's not a huge fan of. It was a late night for Hannah she stayed up till about 9:30 and she was amazing the entire time. It also helped that she was in a steak and potato coma too!!!

Loving the PINK boots of Lauren's (the girl I babysit)

FOOD!!!!! Makes my girl so happy!!

Playing swords and swords with daddy.

She just reached and grabbed the potatoes off Remi's plate! haha

I love this!

I just can't get it in fast enough.....

AND for dessert.......boots! haha

Num Num........

Food coma setting up............

Thanks Dolly for having us!!!! We had a great meal and had a great company!!

Goldfish Mess.....

Once again the goldfish theft strikes again in our house!!! I think now that Hannah is walking and can reach higher I think we need to move her snacks up a higher.

It was only a few left in there so she got a hold of the bag and before I knew it she was making this mess. Oh well life goes on and they are only young once so let them be kids right??

Checking out whats inside....

Num Num Num......a little snack before dinner

Uh oh.....they spilled......

We had our ultrasound in the morning so Hannah sported her BIG SISTER shirt!!!!

All gone..........


These are from Easter weekend when we all took a walk up to the beach in our neighborhood. It was a beautiful day and even better evening!!!

I love where we live on Kent Island. We have a huge community but it's great when the weather is nice and everyone is outside, taking walks, at the beach or up at the pool. Yes we wish we had A LOT of land and not on top of our friendly neighbors or lived on the water but we will take walking distance to the water....for now. Till we win the lottery (guess we should start playing huh?) The people are great and so friendly and once you cross the bay bridge life does seem to slow down even though day to day we don't appreciate it like we should, whenever we take walks and have visitors and show them around that's when we learn to appreciate it.

Kent Island....Simple living on the Eastern Shore


The sand didn't stop her either!

Our family of 3 1/2 plus 2 animals!!!

An attempt at a family pic..

Her hair cracks me up.....it's just blowing in the wind.

Hope you all are having a great week. We have not been up to much this week, just walks to the park, beach, etc and today it's rainy so we are stuck inside. Good thing is the pollen is being washed away!!! Yippie!!!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Telling the folks they are grandparents......(AGAIN)

Here are the pictures from us telling our parents together and my grandmother was there as well so it was perfect!!!

My mom had said on Saturday "lets ALL go to lunch on Sunday" meaning us, them and Remi's folks. It usually doesn't happen much b/c they are all busy and schedules usually don't work out. So when my MOM came up with the idea and his folks were free it was the perfect time to break the news! I had gotten the shirt at Carters Outlet a few months ago (size 2t) just in case....haha it was the smallest they made too.....shouldn't that tell me something?? That I'm CRAZY to have them that close together?? ohwell back to the story.

We all met at Nanking Restaurant and it was a little warm out so we had Hannah just in pants and a white short sleeve shirt, then we got inside and said oh its a little chilly let's put her long sleeve shirt on and it's really cute so turn around so you see it once it's all the way on! And they did!!! haha

They were shocked more this time! But they loved it! They were so happy for us! Soon after the news settled down we took pictures and sent text messages to more family members and my brother and his girlfriend came to join us and said right away....."your having a boy" lol we are not going to find out this time either!!! We LOVE the surprise at the very end!!!

I could not think of a more perfect way to tell our parents!

Sorry mom, not the best but the only one I took of you guys.....Dad laughing :) LOVE IT!

lol Lorraine looks scared for us!!

Walking around GeeGee!!!

Momma and big sister!!!

Friday, April 9, 2010


Well it's official Hannah is going to be a big sister!!! Baby Smith #2 is due on October 4, 2010!! I'm 14 weeks and 5 days along!!!!!!!!!We could not be more excited, scared, happy, worried!!! BUT I think that's normal right??? The kids will be 20 months apart ekkk!!! The women I know who have kids close together say it's tough at first but they are each others best friends and they would do it again! They always have someone to play with and of course fight with!!!

I'm finally starting to feel better! Yay! I had more morning sickness this time than with Hannah and of course EXHAUSTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't think I've really cleaned, cooked, in a weeks!!! It helped that around Hannah's birthday I stopped nursing.

I have some more pictures to post later when we were in Richmond and we told our parents and just wait till you see HOW we told them....................I think it's creative!!! But you be judge!

It feels good to share the secret!!! haha

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Easter Weekend.....cont......

Also during our visit to St. Michaels we went to the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum. Remi could have spent HOURS, DAYS, WEEKS there after an hour or two I was ready to see the other sighs. So after lunch we split up,his brother and him took Hannah back and walked around more and the rest of us went shopping!!! Yay everyone wins!!!

We all met back up and had ICECREAM! Hannah would have gotten some but she was fast asleep! Poor baby was worn out!!! She was AMAZING the entire day! She got complaints everywhere she went. After that we headed back home to Kent Island and on Tuesday we didn't do much like I said so we dressed Hannah up in a pretty pink dress that her Aunt Gemma gave her and took pictures with her and all her eater baskets and goodies!!! :) She looked like a little princess!!!!

Daddy's greatest catch.......EVER!

Daddy's girls!

Family Pic

I think we would make a good captain right!!?

This crazy captain wanted to eat me.....??

Sleeping beauty

Don't you wish you could just fall asleep wherever you are??? Check out the arms behind her head....ahhh pure relaxation! She usually sleeps that way.

Look at the little piggy! :o) She got a bunch of goodies from the Easter bunny!!!

So much stuff around her she doesn't know what to do!!!

Our little princess with the prettiest smile around!!!

OK I think I'm finally caught up!!!! Man that was a lot blogging!!! I promise to update you guys better now!!!! Happy Friday and have a great weekend!!!!

Easter Weekend!!


Hope you all had a great weekend full of love friends and family! We certainly had a busy but fun weekend!!! Remi's parents and brother came up to visit from Saturday till Tuesday. We started the weekend off by doing yard work so Hannah helped daddy out by cutting the grass. She wasn't a fan of it but never cried! The rider was really loud so I think that was the problem!!! We just put her on there for pictures!!!!

Then Sunday we headed to church in the morning, then came home and fixed our delicious Easter lunch/dinner!!! It was yummy!!! Then NAP TIME! For mommy and Hannah!!!! :) We had a little easter egg hunt the backyard and a photo shoot for Hannah! We took a walk up to the beach in our neighborhood and let Hannah walk in the sand.....like I said it was a busy busy day!!!!The weather was AMAZING!!!!

Monday we got up and out early and headed to St. Micheal's, MD for a day of sightseeing, we did a museaum, lunch on the water and of course SHOPPING and ICECREAM!!!!!!!!!!!!! woo hoo!! One happy momma here!!!!

Tuesday we were lazy and took it easy while Remi went to work then met him for a early dinner in Annapolis and then his parents left. We ate at a Diner called Double T's (I think that's the name) anyway it was the place my parents and his ate at while I was in labor for hours with Hannah!! So unlike last time I wasn't able to eat but this time i did!! yippie!!!!!!

Helping daddy out!!

Getting ready to head out the door!

Family picture!!

Our family of 3

My pretty girl!!

GeeGee, Dewi and Grandma with Hannah out back!

The egg hunt!

Shes ready to find some eggs!

Found some!!!

and some more!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I will finish posting the pics of the beach and St. Micheal's tonight! It's TOO many to post right now and I want to get dinner started!!!!!!!!!!!! YES I know ME cook and PLAN dinner! WOW!!! haha