Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas wrapping and Baby V

 My little craft maker decorating our bags for all the cookies we made recently! She loved playing with markers and coloring the bags, the table, herself, thankfully it's all washable! :)
 More coloring on the table and the newspaper then the bag itself! But mostly on her hands and her mouth, Yes she tried to eat the marker....weirdo! haha
 The little engineer hard at work! She was putting the little people from the village onto the Shrek train! She started the train, stopped it while she loaded the people on then started the train again!
 Helping daddy wrap presents, she was the tape dispenser, meaning she dispensed ALL the tape at once! Oh so helpful little munchkin!
 Heavy!!! Helping moving the presents to put under the tree!
 My friend Carolyn had her baby girl Vivienne on December 16 and we finally were all well and in town so we went to meet her! She was sooo tiny and yes I realize I just had Tessa over 2 months ago but Tessa looks HUGE next to Vivienne! Here's Hannah loving on Maddie's little sister! I'm so happy that when we get together its 4 GIRLS!! :)
Vivienne who is a week and 1/2 old and my 2 month old! haha and I thought Tessa was little!

 A close up of our girls!!! I can't wait for them to grow up and be BFF's just like Hannah and Maddie are! Congratulations Carolyn she's precious and I can't wait to watch them grow up together!!! Oh and check out the hair on Vivienne!!! Jealous! My girls were and (are) bald compared to her!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Richmond w/daddy

 Last weekend while I was relaxing at home napping and tending to Tess, Remi had Hannah with him visiting our families. I was still sick and wanted to rest so he took the wild child so I could get better! :) What a sweetie! I had a great quiet weekend.........amazing!!!

Here's Hannah over my Aunt and Uncles messing with their Christmas tree.....she has the I'm caught but I'm cute so I will get away with it look!

 Hannah and her Uncle Dewwww!!! She hasn't stopped talking about him since she was down there with him! He will be here tomorrow so she's excited!

Girlfriend takes after her mommy, don't mess with me while I'm eating............
 New meaning to "digging in"
 Of course they went and saw choo choo's!!!!Hannah was amazing the entire weekend said Daddy! She didn't even mention mommy once :( I'm happy and sad! She's growing up so quick! And I just realized she can and probably will go to preschool in the fall! OH my where has the time gone!??! And Tess has just come so alive recently smiling, grinning, laughing and coo'ing! I don't want to post pictures just yet b/c we took a lot of her the past few days with Remi's family doing our Christmas! And I'm so happy my parents decided to come up tomorrow morning till Sunday! I can't imagine a Christmas without seeing either family!!! I've done it once (When I was in Colorado, and Remi flew out and surprised me and we got engaged) and even though I had Remi, we didn't see our parents! We had his Aunt and Uncle and their boys!! :) Anyway!


Sunday, December 19, 2010

My day

 This weekend, Remi took Hannah and went to Richmond to visit family and get some business things with his dad taken care of! So I stayed back with Tess and had a lazy weekend! Thank god! It was amazing!!!!!!! Yes I missed them and it was a little to quiet BUT I savored every minute of it! I needed it! I really have not been away from Hannah (or Tess) except for hospital trips and of course Hannah did amazing with her daddy staying at Grandmas!!

So here is my day in a nutshell via my blackberry! So the quality is not the best!

Gave Tess a bath in her tub but in the big bathtub, we usually do the kitchen sink with her tub but everything is upstairs so I find myself bringing things down and back up again and again, so I said why not keep it all upstairs?? I'm not big and pregnant anymore so I can lean over the tub and bathe her easily!

FINALLY put the 11 and 12 month pictures of Hannah in her frame and did Tess's hospital and 1 month photo. I need to get the 2 month picture printed off. I hung Tessa's picture up. AND yes that is a web cam in the right corner, we have that set up so we can see her on the computer!! I didn't see the end for them till I went to check on Hannah during a nap (b/c she was screaming hysterically) and she was undressed and diaper in the bed! So after seeing a naked Hannah I told Remi set something up asap or go buy one! Mister computer nerd had these on hand and whipped it right up! Tacky yes but we are no pottery barn here so if it works who cares right?!?! 

Played and coo'd a lot today with Mommy.....

Hung out in her big girl crib! She sleeps in the bassinet in our room right now. I don't know when I'll move her into her room (and Hannah's room) she's sleeping great but she goes to bed later then Hannah and I don't want her to wake Hannah!
We had a lazy day, didn't do much as I would have liked too but that will just have to wait till another day! Sleep and rest were a must :)

Hope you all had a great weekend!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Hannah's new ride

I went consignment store shopping last week and picked this up for Hannah! Well she picked it out and wouldn't get off of it in the store so I figured she knew better on what she needs or wants so why not!?? Haha.
She can about reach the petals and can make it go half way around. (Like if petals are upward she can push down and ride a little ways) She once again surprised us!!!
Its her "bite" (aka bike)
She rocks!!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Thursday, December 16, 2010

The view

This is usually the view I usually see of Hannah recently. She is so on the go and its only going to get worse. Today I felt horrible, I had a migraine. So Hannah took advantage of me being down and out. First thing she did was threw her shirt in the toilet, unrolled a roll of TP, so I grabbed a new one and put it in the sink. So instead of grabbing the roll she turned the water on and wasted a roll! She tore apart her room and bathroom.

Lovely. :)
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Snow day!

 All dressed and ready to go! Little Miss fashion diva took the day off and went mismatched to keep warm!
 Come on daddy! Lets go! I stayed inside due to the snow (too cold for me I want warm weather ALL the time) and the HUGE migraine I had ALL day long, now at 9:30pm I feel somewhat better but exhausted!
 Playing with Teddy. I think he was so excited to have people outside to play with him! He was running laps around her and kept trying to get her to play.
 Then he found an old pumpkin and decided to play with it, Hannah lost it b/c she wanted her "punk-tin" haha
 This cracks me up, Teddy is like mid jump. I LOVE our camera! It takes amazing pictures so therefore we take 1000000000!!!!!!!
 My baby girl!
 Getting a red nose almost time to come in!
 She had a hard time walking, she was funny to watch!
 Having a blast!
Hope your all staying warm and dry! It seems like the East coast got lots of snow! We didn't get that much maybe an 1" or 2??? But it was enough to get excited over, schools to get out early and to play in!

C is for Cookie

 We were down in Richmond at my parents this past weekend for the annual cookie weekend! We get together with family and friends and make lots of cookies for ourselves, our neighbors and friends!!! This year we let Hannah "help" by help I mean she helped eat the peanut butter and crackers! I was VERY busy this year with 2 kids while everyone else was baking. So I got pic's of Hannah but not many of the chocolates and the assembly line we had going on. So sorry!!!

Yum.....peanut butter! She had her own little bowl and crackers to put the peanut butter on but instead chose to eat it all or rub it on herself, her outfit, the table and anything else she could find!
 So we took off her shirt and decided to bake in just the apron my Aunt Meme sent us! We had matching ones but didn't get a picture of that :( We'll be baking more cookies and cooking soon so we will get a picture next time! Hannah was helping rock Tessa here!
 She FINALLY decided to butter the crackers
 Look at those chubby little hands!! I love them!!!
 Hannah's messy face after breakfast and her boo-boo by her eye, :( She took a trip into Nana's round glass top table. Thank goodness she didn't actually hit her eye that could have ended badly!
 Hannah and her AA (Aunt Angela) working on a gingerbread house!
 She caught on quick but also caught onto the fact that she was putting candy on the house and wanted to eat it, well eat it halfway then put it on the house if she didn't like the taste! haha
 Everyone needs a gumdrop doorway. (All I can think of when I see gumdrops is the line Ginge from Shrek says "Not the gumdrop buttons" haha We love Shrek in this house!
 Pretty girl! Pretty mess shirt and face!
 Hannah and her JJ (Jason my brother) she just loves her JJ and AA, she will see a picture of one of them and say, JJ...AA they go together like peanut butter and jelly! The house has an "H" on one side and a "T" on the other!
 Can't forget the marshmellow trees.

Ta-da finished product! Thanks JJ and AA for all your help!!! It looks great on our kitchen table!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Girls just wanna have fun

 These girls have soooooo much fun together!!

Checking out Hannah's new ride,  we better not catch her on the back of a motorcycle with a boy..EVER!!
 Peek a boo!!!  
 They loved sitting together and rocking then falling off together! I HATE this game chair and somehow it ended up in our house from Remi's brother I think, I really don't know but I suck it up and deal with it because Hannah loves it  so......till she get's her own pretty girl chair this one will do then it's outta here!
 Weeee!!!!!!!!!! Not. Afraid. Of. Anything!
 Rock a bye Hannah.
 And once again these wild girls are doing what they do monkeys!!!!!
 LOVE the static in their hair!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


That's what Hannah calls her little sister! Just precious!!!

Here's my baby girl! Happy after all her gas bubbles have passed! Wouldn't you be too???

:) Happy Hump Day!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Thursday, December 9, 2010


I had told you guys when my cousin Lauren was visiting with her BF Adam we went bowling and forgot the camera but I had taken a few with my blackberry but never emailed them to myself. Well I finally did b/c my awesome computer geek husband fixed my computer (thanks baby!!) so it runs much better and I can now save pictures and know where they were saved too! (long story but basically the computer took over and did it's own thing) Anyway! Here is Hannah's first time bowling she had a blast and loved rolling the ball (she's obsessed with balls! HA I know!)

Stylin' it up in the sassy bowling shoes!

Daddy showing her how to roll,throw,drop the ball!
w a t c h i n g i t s l o w l y go d o w n t h e l a n e.
There was a ton of birthday a parties so afterwards we grabbed this little helper! You put the ball on it and just push and it guides it straight! Well somewhat!
She loved watching the balls return and of course the fan!!! You can see her hair blowing up! Too funny she would just laugh and laugh!
Again and again again

We had  a blast not breaking 100!! Well some of us did but some didn't! haha Lauren come back and visit we loved having you guys!!! :) Bowling is always so much fun and entertaining to people watch!