On Wednesday mornings I have Hannah enrolled in a tumble class at a gymnastics place in Annapolis. It's AMAZING!!! A HUGE gym, tons of mats and equipment and the instructors are awesome!!! She loves it and it wears her out so momma is happy! :) Daddy came to check it out and see Hannah in action and I think he had as much fun as her!
Crawling thru the tunnel. I know she would rather be in this tube while it's being rolled down a hill or just around the floor instead of it being still.
JUMP JUMP JUMP! I LOVE her hair in this picture!!! She LOVES the trampolines! She says "mump mump mump" Too precious! She could jump there the entire class if I let her and I don't so there are many meltdowns!!!
The bars! She amazes me, she swings and just hangs then drops!
They had a moon bounce, the biggest ones I've seen set up inside! One side of it was the moon bounce with a basketball net and lots of basketballs then the other side was a GIANT slide! She LOVED it!
Once again no fear! She climbed right up the ladder no problem and slid down!
Jump Jump Jump!!! (AGAIN!!!)
The parelle bars, she even started swinging on them......maybe we have a little gymnast on our hands???
The rings!We had a great time! Having daddy around makes everything better! He is getting ready for a trip and will be gone for a few weeks so it was a nice treat having him with us!!!
4 days ago
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