This entry just makes me laugh, Tess is in that milk coma state....half awake half asleep.....and Hannah is just living it up!
She is trying to roll, it looks like she is here but it's just the angle I was taking the pictures at.
Shes mid-dance exciting moves going on here, I just LOVE it. Soooooooooo carefree and not a worry in the world! Her expression is priceless. Busting' a move!
I just love this face! The littlest things makes them so happy.
Insert whipped cream! Who doesn't love whipped cream shots after lunch?!!? I know it makes me happy!
I think this was the longest I've seen her sit(stand) still! haha! The things they do for candy, ice cream, whipped cream, fries, anything that is out of the norm!!!
Happy Hannah!
Oops! Did I say AFTER lunch?? I guess I meant before lunch! haha :o) Who cares as long as they are fed, clothed and happy right?!?
4 days ago
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