Last weekend my parents came up to keep us company and well frankly to help out!! Hannah's a pistol so extra hands is always great! Well she was EXTREMELY HAPPY to see them and was such a show off. I know she can turn it on and off though b/c nap time she goes from aaaahh wild women to zzzzzz then wild women aaahhhhh again then zzzz at bedtime. She is pushing the limits to the extreme! :) But it's how shes expressing herself.
Anyway here are a few pics of our weekend.........
My tired little snuggle bunnies. Hannah had just done pee pee in her potty so she was too busy to smile b/c shes eating a piece of candy. Her reward for going potty and its working!
Opening her Valentine from Nana and Papa.....she was reading it again and again, then had to put it back in the envelope when she was done.
The pretty princess in high heels, diaper and crown walking her baby. My how things will change when she gets older. We will keep her in clothes! And keep in mind its only like 30 degrees for the high here and she's not cold, she will say HOT HOT.
And now we have lost the diaper and baby, but gained a shirt. (This is what happens when kids can dress and undress themselves!) I only fight it when we are going somewhere, we have playgroup, or nap/bedtime!! Its not worth the struggle and she is kinda potty training to the less clothes the better is the way I see it!
Pushing her beach jeep with her cute booty in the air. She was a trip she did this for a long while, pushing it around and around the house.
AND here's Tess!!!! I feel bad b/c I don't have a lot of pictures of Tess but she does so much sleeping (not complaining!!!!) that when she's up we are on the go or eating, or playing and I forget to take pictures! She just loves her Papa. She loves for him to talk to her and make silly noises!
4 days ago
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