Side profile of my baby baby girl! She's alway so serious total opposite of her sister!!!
Baby Alex!!!!!!!! He will be 1 next month! I can't believe how fast the time flies! It's unreal! Hes walking, talking a bit, following Hannah and getting into everything! :) I'm sure Hannah taught him a few tricks that his parents will be thanking us for later! (yeah she's trouble!)

YUP we bribe our kids! haha! How else are you suppose to have a peaceful trip to Target??? Icee and pretzels work for Hannah and Daddy!!! You can't really see the snow b/c of the window shade in the way but Pottstown had a TON of snow! And they werent missing school or snowed in.........Take that Queen Anne's County!The ever so happy birthday girl! She looks bored out of her m i n d!!! Kids and their faces crack me up! They have SO MUCH personality! She was probably thinking why are all these babies at MY birthday party!
And along with bribing our kids we strip them b/c I'm tired of going through shout weekly! haha!
Baby Alex chowing down on some "white" snow! He was teething and it helped his gums right?!?! :)
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