Here is Tessa at her 4 month appointment! She actually weighed in at 12 lbs 4 ozs, 23 1/2 inches long!! She's a squirt!!!! But we knew that, but we still think she looks SO BIG!! (from when we brought her home!).
The monthly pics with the gorilla.....straight chilling with her full milk belly!
Lets see what are you doing this month??
-You like being propped up more with pillows all around you, you LOVE looking around and being part of the action
-You have rolled over from your belly to back but didn't do it again, I think I just let you get ticked off enough and you did it b/c you were upset! haha
-You sleep awesome! 8pm till 7am! Hooray!!! Keep it up girl!!!! Your sister usually wakes you up b/c shes been getting up earlier than normal!
-We are still nursing and you take a bottle with formula if needed. But I don't leave ya much!!!
-You like tummy time, you prop your head up HIGH and look around it just bobs while you take everything in
-You LOVE your BIG sister!!! She can make you laugh like noone else can!!!
-You have the cutest, chunkest, kissable cheeks EVER
-We can't get enough of you!!!!!!!!!
haha! I love this little squirt! She's perfect in every way!!!!!! Hannah has started calling her sissy! It's precious!
4 days ago
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