**Warning: breatfeeding by little momma going on**
Can you tell there is a lot of breastfeeding going on at our house?!?(Just Tess not Hannah! thought I would clear that up right away! I stopped Hannah at 11 months)
So this little momma is my little helper as well as a momma to all 8 of her baby dolls she got for Christmas! And I think I have it bad with 2! haha This particular night she climbed right on the couch with me and grabbed her baby and said "baybeee mulch" (baby milk) and she pulled her shirt up and sat there for a whole......3 minutes maybe?!? It was the cutest thing she's done in a while!
Cheese! She will point to my chest and say Tess mulch, Yes honey that is where Tess get's her milk from. Then she will find her sippy cup and say Hannah mulch. She knows whats up!
Sunday we met Jon and Jess at Red Robin for dinner at 4:30pm.......We (well Remi) thought we would try going earlier to dinner to avoid any meltdowns by Hannah. IT WAS THE BEST IDEA EVER! She was AMAZING! People commented, the waiter commented, our friends did, it was AWESOME! Noone could believe how well she was behaving and was eating! We all got burgers and got Hannah her own "kiddie" burger and she ate the ENTIRE thing! Plus a bunch of fries before the meal arrived!
Check out the size of the kids burger! It was a little big smaller than ours! She also had apples and left maybe 1 slice of apple and some bread from the bun then was asking for ICE CREAM! I told her if she was good and well we could have ice cream for dessert! She deserved it and candy too but we didn't go that far!!!!!!
Banana Icecream for my little snow angel! FYI at Red Robin their fry basket is never ending so when you sit down you can ask for fries right away and get more if you need them! So that also helped in keeping little miss on the go entertained that and her performance of animal sounds with actions! :) Perfection!
Settling in at home getting ready for bed! I can NOT get over how Tess has no neck! I don't think shes that big but she looks a Buddha sometimes! Tess is serious about some milk time with momma and Hannah is well Hannah with her silly caught faces!
4 days ago
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