Tessa was 3 months on January 5! Holy cow!!! Having a baby around the holidays sure makes things go by a blink of an eye! She's babbling, drooling (teething already?!?! uh oh!!!) looking around at everything, bobbing her head around, sleeping WONDERFULLY, nursing like a champ AND taking formula from a bottle here and there, I decided not to pump its to time consuming and Hannah gets into too much when I'm nursing, then give her another 30 mins to pump?!? wow I think not!
-You are an amazing baby. I can not get enough of you!
-I love kissing on those chubby cheeks of yours! Hannah did not have such round chubby cheeks. You have filled out and become Miss. Personality recently.
-You no longer look like a newborn, so tiny and fragile. You love your big sister, watching her, smiling at her, drooling on her and she LOVES giving you kisses and hugs and trying to sit next to you which she ends up sitting on you! haha! Your a trooper and we believe you are going to be a tough cookie! With Hannah around you need to be! She's so busy and into everything hopefully you will slow down and enjoy the roses and if not that's fine! You are who you are going to be!! We think can we really have 2 that are that busy!??! I've seen it and the answer is YES!
You are an easy going baby, you nurse, take a bottle, breast-milk, formula, you don't care as long as your fed!
-You usually go to bed around 8:30 and will (and has been for a month now) sleep till 7am usually wake up HAPPY!
-I love looking over at you in the bassinet in our room and watch you kick around, babble or just stare at the ceiling!
-You smile so big when we pick you up, then you nurse for a while and sometimes go back to sleep for another hour or 2! I could NOT be happier and I LOVE the sleep but somehow I'm still exhausted! But I'm getting use to it! So up and happy again by 10 then we play, get dressed, run errands and are back home eat lunch, nurse, then we ALL 3 take naps from 1-4 perfection!!!!!!!!
-Then you chow again play, snooze in the swing or bouncy seat, we do bath, nurse more nursing (we gotta stuff ya for your looooong night of sleep!) then bed and again you go to bed by 830 without any fuss!! -Hannah was the same way somehow we got SUPER LUCKY 2 great sleepers and easy babies!!!!!!! We are blessed and know it!
You don't go to see Dr. K this month so that means no shots! Yay! I need to weight you myself and measure you to see how much you have grown!
Do you like our little Christmas present??? I think it's PERFECT!
She's a mover and groover she scoots herself down all the time! And those hands are always waving around!
Big sister with messy slippers! lol, Tessa you look less then thrilled to have her sitting with you! Does she have a stinky or something!??!
Just hanging out........
We love you and can't wait to watch you grow up..........do us a favor and slow down! :)
4 days ago
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