We had an early Christmas with Remi's family. His parents, brother, sister and her finance all came up Wednesday-Friday. It was SO nice to be in our house, our beds, especially with a new baby! No traffic, no packing it was wonderful!!! Remi did the cooking and I just relaxed and fed little Miss Tessa! Loved it!
I've taken a little break from blogging and have just been vegging out being lazy plus I usually leave my wallet in the car and I needed my cards to buy more storage from blogger so even I had energy I wouldn't be able to blog! So I finally decided to not be lazy and here ya go!! It's amazing what a 22 month old, a 3 month old who's nursing will do to you b/c I'M EXHAUSTED!
Once again enjoy the photo montage......
Goofy Hannah wearing a brightly colored hat. She was playing peek-a-boo!! This past week she has changed so much! She's talking, putting sentences together, is more aware of her surroundings. Just the other day we were crossing over a street her friend Maddie lives on and as we crossed over it (maddie is down on the left) she said "Maddie house?" Like she was asking me if we were going there! Remi and I just looked at each other in amazement!
Buddling up at the park with the boys (GeeGee, Uncle Dewi and Daddy!)
Yes this picture is that blurry, b/c that's how fast they were pushing her! She is fearless! She likes to climb, go fast, jump, swing, etc anything that would worry a mommy she loves!
Determined to climb up the stairs.........check the tongue out on the side! Smith family trait!
Wednesday night we have friends over and here is Zander....aka Block head?? I just love those curls! They are so cute playing together!
Christmas morning (really Thursday am) GeeGee and his little Tess! She slept thru most of it, but that's ok she needs all the sleep! :) She was sporting her "baby's 1st christmas" shirt!
woof woof Eden says Merry Christmas!
We all wear Christmas hats on Christmas morning, even the dogs joined in on the fun! YES we have a palm tree for our tree. We live on Kent Island, in Stevensville, Maryland. So we kept it beachy and did a palm tree, even though it's to cold here for real palm trees it's still neat b/c everything is very island like here! It took a lot of convincing on Remi's end to make me say yes to it. But after one year of getting a real tree and it dying, another year of nothing (before kids we traveled to RVA for the holidays) I said what the heck.....why not??! It's different and everyone comments on it when they walk in!
Snowman PJ's and dora presents=HAPPY HANNAH!
TRAINS!!! Yes! More happiness for Hannah! Check out the village in the back around the tree, it's been in Remi's family for a long time and his mom passed it down to him. He LOVES doing it and this year (and last year) we did it after Hannah went to bed and she was amazed!! Some of the pieces are old and worth something so we kept those away and only have out what isn't expensive or irreplaceable! She loves playing with all the people, houses, lights and of course the train under the tree! Next year Remi will be over the moon b/c she will be able to help him build the village!
WE GOT OUR MATCHING HAND KNITTED STOCKINGS! Remi and his sister and brother have them and I loved it! But the lady who made them lived in NY and has since passed away but Lorraine took Remi's stocking and found someone to make me and the girl's each one just like it! PERFECT! The only problem is she's also up there in age and IF/when we have more kids we want them to have the same stocking but we aren't ready for more yet, but what are the chances we can find someone else again!?!??! So I jokily said we will give her a SEALED envelope with a girl/boys name and she will make both! hahaha! I guess we are up chocolate creek without a paddle if we have twins that are the same sex!!!
We had a WONDERFUL PERFECT Christmas with his family! Next up Christmas Eve with friends then my parents on Christmas Day!!!! <3 AMAZING!
4 days ago
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