If you ask Hannah who's Birthday it was she would say "baby Jesus"!!! Its just precious! I just love this picture of her! Remi went in Christmas Morning to get her and this is what she looked like! This girl sleeps hard and usually her hair in the back is like a birds nest! But here it makes it look like her hair was curled and that there is a lot of it! Which is so not the case!! She has hair but not a lot compared to most (almost) 2 year olds!
Everythings all ready and video cameras, camera's fire going......(you will see what I mean soon)
What is that BIG present Hannah?!?!? She's in shock and awe she doesn't know what shes suppose to do!!! See the fireplace?? On the new Shrek movie it has a option for a yulog! So we had the fire going........too bad it doesn't put out heat! Next house it's a must!
I love here how she is so content on playing with that one little corner, she was putting the trains together here
She found the AH-AH (airplane) shes a happy girl!!!
FINALLY got ALL the paper off!!! and she's off riding the rail lines!
Across the bridge and through the mountain and DOWN the hill..................
Cheese!!!!!! Present time!!!!!
Tess is snoozing away on her Meme!!!! Meme came in from Texas to visit for a few weeks and especially see Hannah her # 1 girl!! Hannah just walked into here and said Meme and Tess!
Fake cry/laugh!
All dressed up and at a party! Trying to feed Nana a chocolate covered pretzel!
It snowed!!!!! We had a white Christmas and here's daddy outside throwing snowballs at her!
4 days ago
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