The boys (Remi and Christopher) enjoyed themselves the most!!! Hannah will learn to love trains just like her daddy!! It was really neat because they had the smaller scale models that people had done out. They were amazing! It was like little towns anything and everything from people, pets, water towers, cars, trucks to buildings on fire, (with smoke and flames!!) mountains, water streams and much much more!!! And of course TRAINS! Trains with people in them, animals, cargo and even A LIVE GOLDFISH!! Seriously one model train had a filter on it a it could circulate water and keep the fish alive! Pretty serious stuff!!!
It was a lot of fun, while in Baltimore we headed to meet the kids mom for lunch. It was good times for all!!!
The kiddies Christopher and Lauren
We're leaving on a train.........
Daddy and his girl!
We have our tickets for the TRAIN RIDE!!!! Where frosty even made an appearance!!
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