At 9 months Hannah weighted a whopping 16 1/2 pounds and was 27 inches long! Finally Remi was home and able to go to the doctors with us. She got I want to say 4 shots?? Maybe just 2 but still it hurt us more to see her get shots than it was for her....probably.
Here are some actions shots of Hannah in her normal poses....except for she's on the move this month. Shes crawling fast and gets faster everyday, pulling up on things and doing steps already! We are just waiting for her to take that first solo step!!! She will walk along the side of the sofas, coffee table, etc......shes our little monkey girl!
Enjoy these! I plan to capture her 10 month pictures tonight (we will see if that happens)
Hope everyone had a great weekend!!!!
Going for the camera here and about to fall off the futon....
Happy Hannah
SoooOooOo Big and long!
Not sitting still long enough of me to get a picture!
The little escape artist in action!
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