I'm getting into all sorts of stuff, the dog's water/food, the dishwasher, the dryer, (when they are left open, they are learning to close these things now with me) doing stairs, walking with the walker, and lots more!
My friend the gorilla
I'm gonna get you!!!!! (or the camera!)
A little playtime before bed........nightnight
Hannah now weights 17 pounds and is 28 inches long!!! She's a very healthy active beautiful little girl to quote the doctor! :) We are still nursing! ( I KNOW!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT MYSELF) It's not been too bad, actually its been a breeze and since I stay home I don't have to pump and deal with all that. So we are nursing 3x a day (morning, afternoon and bedtime) I can skip a feeding and it doesn't matter. I sometimes nurse her then a little bit later Remi will do dinner with her so I can go out with my girlfriends (thanks honey! love ya) Soon we will be dropping a feeding (the afternoon one) to get ready for whole milk around her birthday. I don't plan on nursing much more after March. It's been great and a very positive bonding experience but I think it will be time to stop by then. She only has 2 teeth now and so far (fingers crossed) no painful experiences, if ya catch my drift!!! So with her getting old and more teeth....I don't wanna be her chew toy!!! haha!!!
Thanks for reading! Love ya!
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