The contractions were becoming too much to bear after being here about 20 hours, so Ashley was given an epidural just a few minutes ago. The doc was very professional and somewhat comedic, but with a very dry sense of humor. Almost as if he were British without the accent.
She's resting well now, dilated 3cm, fully effaced, just waiting to dilate more. Hopefully, with the new-found calm brought on the by the epidural, the process will begin to accelerate. We're now at 22 hours since her water broke, 19 hours at the hospital.
The folks just left to go to the house, where they will recharge their batteries and will return tomorrow morning for a hot cafeteria breakfast and, hopefully, a baby.
4 days ago
you guys are real troopers and when the little one is in your arms all will be forgotten for a while. I know what you are going through and you will do well. Love you bunches see you soon Meme