Ok, Now you get Ashley. I had intended to start this blog a while ago and like most things I wanted to do before baby came, I did not get it done. This way it gave Remi something to do while we just waited for the time when our baby wanted to meet us!!! So while I sat in pain for hours and hours, Remi sat and blogged about every little event that went on! He was wonderful! I could not have asked for a better coach, he was right there by my side the entire time. He brought me ice chips, massaged my back, calmed me down, and even held my head when I got sick. I love him!
Anyway now we are home and in mommy and daddy mode & we love every minute of it!!! She is even precious and perfect at 3am when she's crying and won't go to sleep!! We are actually lucky, we have so much help. My parents and brother and his girlfriend are up for the week, cooking, cleaning, helping me get Hannah on a schedule, just having people around makes the transition easier. Hannah has been doing the 2 1/2-3 hour feedings very well, then she naps and last night slept from 11pm-6:30am then, we snuggled for an hour in bed with daddy till he went off to work, then it was feeding time! She woke up happy and alert. She smiles already, coo's, laughs, and just gives you a look that melts your heart!!! Well that's about it for now, or till we upload more pictures of her first bath at home, her first St. Patrick's Day, and more!! And for those wondering, Remi has actually changed more diapers (even stinky ones) than me! I have heard that some were wondering if he knew how and he does it very well!!!!
4 days ago
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