Here's the full story, now that we have gotten some sleep and rest!
Ash was technically in labor from 10pm on Tuesday on. Before that, the water was just broken and contractions were light but regular. She probably would have delivered the baby fairly quickly, had her pelvis been bigger or the baby's head smaller.
As it was, she contracted all evening, through the night, into the morning. The pain was incredibly intense, the Epidural lessened it for two hours, then the pain returned. A greater dose of epidural medicine was given, but with no results. By the time that the Dr. checked her at 5am, she was 4cm (up from 2cm at midnight). So with that admittedly small bit of progress, he adjusted her Pitocin dose, and left to go see office patients. By the time he returned at 11am, she was not dilated any further but was in a 10 out of 10 pain-wise with every contraction. I wasn't able to post anything in this time as I was allowing my hands to be used as stress balls. It was not the most enjoyable of mornings, but all of that was soon forgotten.
At 11:30am, when it was apparent that intervention was needed, the Dr. said "lets deliver this baby." He bumped two scheduled c-sections and Ashley was in the OR within 20 minutes. A few more minutes to let the anesthesia kick in (by the way Carrie, if you are reading this, one of the coolest jobs ever), and the surgery began. I'll write about that in another post, but being in the room during the operation was the experience of a lifetime.
When she popped out, her head resembled something from the Predator wasn't quite a conehead, but rather swept back (this photo shows it well). We're thinking that this was a result of the contractions trying to get the baby to move into an area for which it was too large. It's all but gone down now, btw. Completely normal for the head to flex like that.
Although the actual labor was painful and, as it turns out, unnecessary (with the operation), the whole process was nothing but rewarding for us both. We've got our little bundle of joy and we know that, for the next 11, a c-section (which neither of us was opposed to but never really considered as a possibility) is the most likely method of delivery. Also, I keep telling Ash that, after the pains of yesterday, everything else in life is going to seem easy!
4 days ago
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