Last weekend we went to the Bay Bridge Airport for a car and air show! Classic cars, planes and music! What more could you ask for?? It was HOT but a lot of fun! We had been going strong all morning with a birthday party at 10-1 then went straight to the airport all 5 minutes away! Even better!
The 3 of us went up in a plane that sat 4 people! It was amazing! I sat next to the pilot and Remi and Hannah were in the back! Tessa was staying on the ground with our friends who had cars entered in the show! So check it! Thats the Bay Bridge, yes Remi commutes over that 4 mile bridge every day, as do we when we go to Annapolis!
The aerial view of our neighborhood. Pretty sweeet huh!?!??
Captain Hannah talking It was so cute hearing her voice in the head sets!
She loved every second of it!
It was a 15 minute ride for a cheap price. haha
Going up!!!!!!! Better than going down I think.
Hannah gazing up at daddy in awe at her adventures.
And Remi says flying a plane seems easy.............
"I want to go on that daddy" Direct quote from Hannah.
You ask and you will receive my child.
It was such a fun day!!!!!!! I think we got home at 3pm and all fell asleep till 5:30pm! Yeah ooops! It was a late night bedtime for the girls but worth it!!!!! AND guess who was wearing BIG girl panties ALL day!?!?!??! YUP Hannah!!!!! (We are still working on Remi! ha)
4 days ago
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