The kiddies loving on baby Tess, Leah (in the green) Hannah and Gavin (orange) He's like really girls come on!?!
Loving on the girls, they weren't fond of the sirens on the firetrucks. BUT loved them.
Nor did they like the classic car that spit fire out. Girls come on!
But they liked the clowns that gave away candy and suckers and of course chocolate you had to eat RIGHT away or it would have melted in your hand, pocket, ground and in your mouth.
Leah practicing being a big sister b/c her mommy is having twins in August!!! Wooo Hoo!!! So excited for her!
The never ending line to the Moon Bounce, slide................but they waited.....patiently.
Happy then but not happy when it was over. Cue time to go home :)
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