WOW, I don't want to scare anyone that doesn't have kids or has one and another one on the way BUT man this past week has kicked my booty! Whoever said " ah you already have 1, why not have more?? It's easy" was seriously smoking some crack! It's not "easy", you have NO time and getting up and out takes 5x as long as before! We are so use to our dear sweet (haha) Hannah going to bed at 7pm and then we have a whole evening to ourselves.....NOT anymore! It's totally fine and I'm not complaining (I love every minute of it), I just forget what it's like to have a newborn, no sleep, nursing, a war zone house, etc even though it was 18 months ago we had Hannah.....then I have my dear sweet husband remind me the "how to" what not to do, their sleep schedule! Why does he remember and I don't when I was the one living/waking up through it?!?!
Thank god for him! mwah! :) love ya baby!
It's been a wild, crazy month, almost 2 now!! ekk! Slow down Tessa! I'm just saying what's on my mind and how I feel and I've learned not to complain time does fly and before I know it things will be "easy" and she'll be going to bed with Hannah sleeping through the night, crawling, walking, talking, eating solids, riding a bike, and on and on...........So I'm enjoying our crazy life! To quote the wacked out psycho mom KateGosselin,
"It may be a crazy life, but it's our life"
I love it and wouldn't change a thing! <3
4 days ago
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