Man I'm bad about uploading pictures! BUT I do have an excuse this time! I had another kidney stone and this one kicked my booty!!!! I was in and out of pain all last week and sick when I had the pain so it was a vicious cycle that finally ended but the good news is.....Tessa took the bottle and formula like a champ!!! yay!! I was pumping and dumping so I could nurse again when I was off the medicine! So we are finally back on track (I think) Tessa was fussy, gassy, confused for a while with breast milk, formula, breast milk, formula.....poor baby girl!
So now for the fun part! PICTURES!!!
These are from our photo shoot with the girls in their "Big Sister, Little Sister" shirts from their Meme! ( My Aunt) They are a little big but still super cute to put on and take pictures in!!!
Hannah signing "all done" holding Tessa b/c she started to fuss! haha Such a big help till there's a poopy diaper or she cries!
Smiles from happy Hannah, a serious I'm making a mess in my diaper from Tessa! haha
Up close and personal! I love how the bow is as big as her face! haha!
Tackling her little sister.
My girls!
So tiny!
Well we took like 50 pictures and not really any of them turned out but a few....of course I guess that's what happens with 2 crazy kiddies!! Right?!?!
4 days ago
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