Hey, THANKS so much for all the thoughts, prayers, calls and visits!!!! We are home and doing wonderful! We have a million pictures to post and lots of things to blog about but one thing at a time, I'm trying to finish uploading ALL the pictures from the spring till now @Our Photos check under any year but to see baby pictures go to 2010! :)
My computer can't handle uploading pictures and then downloading the ones off the camera!
As for how we are doing, I'm very pleased! It's amazing how little Tessa is and how much she sleeps (thank goodness) and eats and poops!!!! Hannah is adjusting quite well, today was probably the "worst:" day. I wouldn't say she's jealous but she know if she does something mommy or daddy doesn't like to Tessa she gets attention......so now I guess she's going for the negative attention but we are beginning time-outs. She needs to learn. Otherwise she's loving on Tessa, wants to hold her, kiss her, help with everything even the stinky diapers!
I'm just enjoying EVERY moment with the little one. I'm dreading tomorrow b/c Remi goes back to work :( BUT I have my BFF coming to stay for the rest of the week so plenty of help and a playmate for Hannah! I can't wait! But we will miss daddy being around all the time!!!!
4 days ago
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