Stop taking my pictures please and let me sleep! Check out her fingernails they were incredibly long when she was born!!! I had to "file" them down hours later!!!
Tessa and her Aunt Gemma!!! We were so glad Gemma and Kenny were able to be there this time for the birth of Tessa!!! She missed Hannah b/c she was teaching but with a repeat c-section it made planning easier!!!
Shes so tiny and alert and moving her head... A LOT! It's crazy how well she can hold her head up!
ZzZzZzZzZ......with daddy!!! He loves snuggle time with his girls!!!
Photo time! I love that gummy bear smile!!! (Even though she was mid yawn!!)
Eating, sleeping and pooping is hard work, but someone has to do it!!!
Big sister Hannah and little sister Tessa bonding!! Hannah LOVES holding her and giving her kisses!!!! ALL day long!
Come on I'm ready to go home with my mommy and sister!!!!!!!!
Buckling up baby sister......Hannah was so happy we were ALL coming home with her!! My parents kept Hannah while we were in the hospital so a HUGE thanks to them, I know Hannah was in good hands and loved every minute with her Nana and Papa!!!! I'm sure she was getting spoiled!!! :)
4 days ago
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