I just wanted to do a quick update while Tessa slept and Hannah is asleep and Remi is still at work! I have survived 4 days alone and one evening flying solo! I'm quite proud of myself!! I even managed to have some sort of "dinner" on the table every night! yay! I'm so not the cook in the family that credit all goes to Remi!
Hannah's vocabulary has just taken off!!! Last Sunday we were at church saying a prayer and she heard everyone say "Amen" and she repeated it right back! Amazing! So her word for Sunday was AMEN AMEN AMEN all day long!!! Let me tell you the cuteness ran out pretty quick!!! She can say 2 word sentences no no momma is her favorite, "do you want to help me change/burp/feed/play with Tessa" No No Momma, Let's go honey, (when leaving the park,) No No Momma and takes off running. Time for night night, No No Momma! haha
But she doesn't really mean it b/c she says NO but does what I say for the most part!!! She's been a wonderful BIG sister and really only has problems towards the evening when I'm trying to nurse Tessa. Or has Hannah calls her "Tesh" so cute I just LOVE it!
Hannah amazes me everyday, I can tell her things to do, she listens, understands and follows direction. She's not a baby anymore she's a toddler that's into everything!
I have started going to a bible study at our church, Walking with Purpose its great and I love all the women there! But for me the thing i love is CHILDCARE! So Hannah has been going once a week with me and loving the play time with her friends while I get my study on! :) Today she had a hard time letting me leave her, she fussed and held onto me and it broke my heart!! She has NEVER cared if I left her somewhere!!! But when I picked her up they said she was fine! She was having a blast and didn't even notice when I came in to get her!
She's doing AMAZING!! I could just sit and hold and snuggle her ALL day long!!!! She's nursing great and I even got time to pump the other night and she took a bottle from her daddy!!! Made us sooooooooooooooo happy!!!! I don't want to jinx it but she's sleeping great, 4-5 hour stretches (I say that's b/c I fill her up during the day with the every 2-3 hour feedings!!!) So I usually feel some what "refreshed" in the am! Especially if I get up before BOTH of them and get to shower in peace and quiet!!!!!
I love how she smiles when she's sleeping! Makes my heart melt! She's becoming more and more aware of her surroundings and has a few hours of wake time a day now! That's usually when Hannah is kissing, crawling, patting her back! haha
I think all of us adjusted well and it seems like we have been a family of 4 for ever!!! I look back now on the time before Tessa and after Hannah went to bed (7pm) and say man what did I do with all that time!?!? I would LOVE for that time now to SLEEP! But I learned with Hannah not to wish it away b/c time passes quickly enough.
Well I'm off to just relax for a bit before Tessa's bedtime routine starts!
4 days ago