This past weekend was PERFECT! We had lovely weather and great visitors!! I don't think we really did anything on Friday, just hung out us 3 and did some errands! On Saturday my friend Awbree and her family came over to visit with us. She has a little boy Austin who's the same age as Hannah and they are adorable together! Of course for some reason we didn't take any pictures of the kiddies!!! We headed to the beach for a little bit and let them run around in the sand and water!!! A nice calm day and it was now crowded yet! Double yes!
Sunday we had a friend of Remi's come visit us, that just moved from Colorado to Va beach area, and she drove her motocycle!!!! I think Remi and Hannah were both drooling over that thing!!! I think the helmet was a little bit heavier than her!
Checking out the ride! :o) Dream on baby!
A bit after Christy arrived we all got ready and headed up to Kentmorr Restaurant for dinner! We have been on a BIG "Maryland" kick recently, crabs, seafood, good beer (well, Remi) all the things that scream MARYLAND oh and old bay! Sooo it was only natural to take her to a seafood restaurant on the water!!!! It was a great location and great time! Minus the wait......BUT they had an amazing beach and play things to keep us entertained!
I love this picture, it's my desktop, you can see how much fun Hannah is having with her daddy!
FREEDOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She just ran and ran fell splat into the sand and kept going! That's my girl!
Ok, she kept doing this and of course we would keep checking her diaper to see if she did a stinky, but that was not the case! She was doing it to get a better look at the airplanes, (Kentmorr is air strip as well so they have many small planes coming in and going out so she became obsessed), she did it to look at the boats better, see the birds, anything! It's her new "view" on life!
Just swinging in the hammocks! Look at the mouth wide open smiling!!!!!!!
AAAaaaaahhhhh......Just another day in paradise!
We have been out to eat so much recently trying to take in all we can of the summer and dock bars, it makes me (well us) realize that we truly LOVE it here on Kent Island! We are like 15 mins from Annapolis, live in a water community with the beach a few blocks away from us, have water access pretty much anywhere, have techinally water in our backyard but......unless it's a hurricane you can't put much in it! :) It's great! Yes we are far away like 2 1/2 hours from our family but when we have visitors it's soo much to do and see! When we can not worry about jobs and income we think we want to move back to Richmond or somewhwere closer and buy land to build a house on but till then we are where we need to do and will take the water..............Now if we just could afford a boat!!! Well we could we just call her Hannah (and baby # 2) instead!
Hurricane Earl........say what!??!?! (totally passed us) and MOST of the East Coast! Yay!!!!!
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