I thought we would head to the beach since it was nice and it had been a while since we were up there! Hannah had a blast!!! She defiantly needed a bath afterwards!! She even got in the water! I should have known but I thought since the water was cooler she wouldn't go for it....WRONG!
It was a lot of fun and I'm trying to enjoy these last few DAYS with just her and me! I can't believe this time next week I will have TWO kids! Well a toddler and a newborn!
So instead of building sandcastles or finding shells she puts sand in the bucket and dumps it on her! haha that's my girl!
She's just checking everything out, I'm playing with the camera trying to catch our shadows.
I love island living!
La la la just playing in the sand.
Off go the shoes!
Mom this isn't so bad!
Deciding to check out the water by sitting down in it and letting the water wash over her!!!.....and from here she got wet so I put the camera away in case I needed to go in after her! :)
Good luck on Tuesday if the baby doesn't come sooner!!! We at TLC are all thinking about you and hope that the delivery goes smooth!!!