So after a very interesting week in Texas, we fly back to MD and my parents head back to VA the next day, of course they make sure we are fine, and head out while Hannah and I nap because my inlaws are headed up to help me out. Things go fine then THEY get sick while they are here!!!! Can we ever catch a break?!? NOPE! Thankfully my bff Sarah has already planned on coming to visit and keep me sane for the weekend because Remi was due home Sunday night! So the inalws leave with a stomach bug, praying to make it home before it keeps them down, we clean the house settle in to our new guest and I'm looking foward to mommy time (HAIR APPOINTMENT!) and of course girl time! :) Love having my girlfriends visit (which needs to happen MORE!!!!)
Wednesday night fine, took it back old school with Fried Green Tomotoes and Steel Magnoilas, Thursday am inalws get sick head out earlier than planned so we hang around clean like I said and I head out for my afternoon of mommy time. Now I don't know about you guys but I HATE having my hair cut, colored, messed with.....etc so not normal for a girl I know but I do what I got to do to look good!!! THEN my friend Sarah gets to feeling bad, lord here we go again!!!!!!! So we veg out Thursday night cancel the babysitter head to bed early hoping to feel better in the am AND.............I wake up with a numb right side of my face! SERIOUSLY??!?!? I'm kinda freaking out not wanting to believe what has actually happened so I put it off for a while saying I slept on it funny or it will come back it's just a fluke. Doesn't happen it get's worse. I have a headache and neckache on top of cant wink, can't move the lips or smile fully for that matter, nose doesn't move when you scrunch it......etc etc etc.....So I called my friend that's a very experienced nurse for years and talked to her about it and she said it was probably Pregnancy Bells Palsy. Never heard of that! It happens usually in the 3rd trimester (check we are there) to one side of the face, no reason, and will USUALLY go away after birth give or take a few weeks, months! LOvely! So I call my OB talk to him and he sends me to the ER! By this point it's Friday night in Annapolis at the ER...FREAK SHOW!!!!!!!!
blah blah blah! CT scans, blood work, waiting, medication, The doc comes up with Bells Palsy and follow up with your OB on Monday! So I'm on meds and my face looks silly not really just looking at it but once I talk and have facial expressions you notice it! It's just been a whrilwind of emtions here at the house! I get home Fri night like 2am email Remi and he's on top of things and does what he needs to go and actually pulls some strings and is headed home earlier!
He came home Sunday morning while Hannah and I were having breakfast! It was awesome! I tried to smile big but didnt happen!!! He calls me his little pirate and I secretly love it! :) He's been home a week now and I've had this for about 10 days, not better not really worse, need meds but the doc's arent sure if I can continue for the baby. The baby is fine just might have 2 heads or 6 toes kinda thing haha kidding but excessive meds aren't good point blank so more doc's appointments and follow ups for us. We are just taking it one day at a time, some days good no pain (pain b/c of the inflammed nerve that did this, it causes headaches and just a tingling feeling throughout the right side of my body, legs, ) some days are bad. But what are you going to do ya know!??! Each pregnancy is totally different it's unreal!
Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers! I've been kinda MIA for a while and now you know why! I'm still self conscience about it but I can't live in a cave and hide from everyone so I need to get over it!
4 days ago
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