Once again we did not bring the camera but we took them to the Crab Deck for dinner and the boys had crabs, crabs, crabs!!!! It was once again a very enjoyable experience. Hannah loved the ducks around the docks and the crabs on the table! She even helped hammer them! haha!!
She looks so big next to Alex!
On the metro!
Our family picture!
Hannah supporting daddy and Chris by the United States Merchant Marine Seal. Sporting her red, white and blue! :) Go mommy on that planning!!!
AND I'M DONE!!!!! Remi says he LOVES this picture of me. It pretty much captured how I was feeling at the end of the day! Hot, Tired, Pregnant, Sore,..........
and someone else was worn out as well.........
Remi getting use to handling 2 kids coming at him at once!
Alex happy boy!!!!!!
Thanks for visiting, we love having you guys and can't wait to see you again!!!!!!!!!!! Good luck on going back to school Jill and Good Luck on your new job Chris!!!!!! We love you!!!!
Aww, thanks, Ash! We had such a great time!! :) We hope all goes well this next month, and we're only 3 hours away if you ever need anything!!! Take it easy, Mama! Can't wait to come visit you, Hannah, Remi,and the new little one-love you, too! :) ~<3 Jill, Chris & Alex