Well A LOT has happened since the last time I blogged. Where to even begin?? First off my baby girl who's 17 months is a full blown toddler and talking up a storm!!!!! Where did the time go??? We jetted off at 5am to Texas on August 6 for a week (well suppose to have been, more on that later) Hannah, myself and my folks went to Texas to visit my grandparents who live there part time! They were moving houses so we decided to join and check out the new place!
Hannah was AMAZING on the flights! Yes 2 OF THEM! One 3 1/2 hour flight then hour delay and one short 45 min flight then we were in Harlingen, TX!!!! 20 mins to the Mexico boarder and 45 mins to South Pardre Island (a very popular place for you spring breakers!) We had a lot planned in that week and man was it HOT down there!!! Thankfully it was a breeze all the time so there was some relief in the heat!

Here's the back of Hannah's head on the first flight, we lucked out and had the first row so it meant MORE ROOM!!! Yay! She was able to get down and play and sit at my feet! Even though she was awesome it's worth the money to buy a seat! Espically if you have a big growing belly that your toddler likes to sit on!

Hannah and her nana! playing and crawling across the seats! :)
The first day we took it easy and relaxed let Hannah get all her naps in and just hung out at the pool. The next day we headed to the
Zoo!!! I LOVE the zoo!!!! Hannah seems to enjoy going as well! She is amazed by all the animals! How they move, the noises they make and just the size of them!!!

Hannah and her meme checking out the gorillas!

This was so neat! You could get food and feet the giraffes! It was amazing watching these guys eat! They so just awesome animals! Hannah couldn't stop looking up at them!

Hannah and her pet alligator! She was hard to wrestle put back into the stroller so once she was in there I kept in her there! But she wanted to hold on the alligator so we parked the stroller and she hugged him! haha, she's a hoot!

This lion was right up aganist the window just laying there, half paws on the wall the others on the ground, guess he was just taking a rest, whatever the case that's the closest I've ever been to a lion before and probably the closest I EVER want to be! Pretty good close up huh?!?! Yes I know they are huge animals but just check out those paws!!! OMG!

AND put a fork in us we are DONE!!!!! What a fun and HOT, exhausting day it was!!!!!
The next day we got up bright and early and headed to MEXICO!!! I love all the shops, markets, vendors and just the whole atmosphere! It was Hannah's first trip (out of the womb, we took a "babymoon" to Cancun when I was 6 months pregnant with her)

Here we are walking across the bridge from the states to Mexico!!!! You could drive across but we just choose to walk it espically since our rental care said no driving in Mexico!! B/C they are CRAZY DRIVERS!!!! haha

PROOF we were there!!!!! Us in front of the Mexico sign, a place where we all stop and have our pictures taken. It's a right of passage!

Shes done with food she wants shopping and sightseeing..........
THEN the next day we went to South Padre Island! It was an awesome time!!!! Great beach day, Hannah was amazing, loved the water, sand, people, they had covered sheltors to eat at, decent bathrooms, a playground, showers, a very fun and exhausting day!!!!!!!

Me and my fav gal pal! :)

loving the water! She wouldnt let us put her bathing suit on her so she ran around in her swimmy pretty much the entire day!!! haha, She didn't sit still till we put her in the carseat!

Stealing Nana's shoe and taking it for a walk in the ocean!!!! She knows who's shoes and things belong to whom and takes them to the right people....AMAZING!!!
Now this is where the pictures pretty much stop b/c Wednesday (I think it was Wednesday) night Hannah and I got a bad stomach virus that ended up with me in the ER and being admitted to the hospital till Saturday! So we missed our flight and had to rearrange everything!
Hannah got better within a few hours of just her throwing up on her 17th month birthday poor baby girl!!! First time ever! :( I on the other hand did not get better, got dehyrated and ended up starting contractions at 31 WEEKS!!!! So they were worried and had me on every kind of monitor known to man and pumped me with fluids, medicines, baby medicines, to stop the contractions, make me stop throwing up, bring my levels back up, heart rate down, etc.......I could probably keep going. It was unreal! So I got admitted Thursday morning they did test after test, long story short everythings fine, baby is fine, I stopped contracting even after they took me off the meds, kept me longer b/c my heart rate was still extremely high so that's why they kept me so long!
My family was amazing the entire time I was in there! They took good care of me while I was in the hospital and loved taking care of Hannah! My grandparents really got to know Hannah a lot better b/c my folks were with me at the hospital so they kept an eye on Hannah! I'm so thankful they are so amazing!!!! I love you guys!!!
I came home on Saturday morning, finally got my strength back and we were able to fly home Monday. It was pure exhausting. I couldn't wait to get home to my bed! We finally made it!!!! Monday was probably the lonest day of my life so far!!!! An 1hr flight then a 3 or 4 hour layover then a 3 hour flight back to BWI got home at 10pm at night! Man!!! The week following was pretty rough, Not eating for 3 days will do that to you then just jello and chicken soup......ugh! So my inalwas came up and help out with me while I was getting my strenght back. They were up for a few days then my bff Sarah came up to help out till Remi got home! It all ended up with a good suprise though!! Remi said he would be home on Monday and actually came in on SUNDAY MORNING!!! He drove in from Dullas and walked on in the house! Hannah and I were in the middle of breakfast! YES! :)
I'm better now and just taking it easy, thank god no bedrest! Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers!!!
We have plenty of more pictures to post and stories to tell but that will have to wait till later.......:) Happy Friday to everyone!!!