Love those baby blues!!! Think she's been a beach baby this summer???
Hannah is now tall enough to reach the handles but can't quite pull open the door just yet!!! My parents have doors leading to the sun room and she can open those and slam them!!!
Hannah was helping GeeGee cut the grass! She's such a helper! She loves for you to give her direction and she follows them!
I just love that face! She's the queen of faces! The tounge out is a Smith trait, Remi does it, and GeeGee does it and now Hannah! She was probably playing in the pool in the picture! Look at those tan lines! haha I do keep a ton of suntan lotion on her!!! She just tans easily like me! Thankfully she doesn't burn like her daddy! <3
Is that chocolate I see?!?!!? She looks like she's sooooo surprised!!!!
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