Better late than never right?!?!
I had forgotten to make Hannah's 15 month appointment and I finally made it and it was today so of course preggo me had already made plans to have lunch and shop with a friend in Annapolis for my Birthday so Grandma took her!
Hannah now weights 21.3 pounds! FINALLY hit that 20 pound mark and is 30.5 inches long! Not under weight or over.......she's just right!!! But we already knew that! :)
She's into EVERYTHING! Takes notice of everything I do and copies me such as the keys, she doesn't use the car key to try and put the key into the hole but she uses the right key. I guess she's always in my arms coming into the house that she can see these things! Trash (diapers, tissues, food on floor) all goes into the trash can. Sunglasses on your head, lotion on your body and soap, etc......
She listens and follows commands, go get your shoes, rub Teddy (the dog) bring me your diaper, your sippy cup, go to nana, grandma, papa, mama....go to Hannah's room, mommy's room, car, outside.......
AMAZING to me the stuff she learns! She can say about 10-15 words, mama, dada, nana, papa, dog, up, out, uh oh sketti o's, thank you, GG, (her great grandma) , wa wa (water)
She moves to music a little too good but that comes from daddy! Mommy has no rhythm at all!!! The doctor said to really start letting her be independent (I'm thinking start??... she came OUT being that way) but let her try to do her shoes on and off, go up and down stairs and so on and so on of course with us right next to her. Also if she does wrong in force the NO! And time-outs really don't work till the age of 2 but you can sit with them now and let them know you mean business with a stern voice and look but you need to be consistent!!!
I think that's about it, I felt bad about missing it but I've been to every appointment so far and I knew I would get a full report back from Grandma so I did not worry! I enjoyed getting away and being out with adults!
I just love that little girl so much! She's amazing and will be a GREAT big sister!!!!!!!!!!
4 days ago
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