So here is Hannah and her friend Kiera riding the train!! Her first ride! :) Although they really are not looking at the camera!! They were taking with my blackberry so the freaking thing has a delay.

Next up the boats! Hannah did not know what to hold onto so she is holding her hands together. She looks like she's praying! haha! The ride was pretty bumpy but she loved it!

Then the airplanes!!! :) She was having a blast! She finally caught on to the whole go around and around, and seeing me wave to her. She would just smile and look back at me then go back to enjoying the ride!

Kiera kept asking to ride the dragons so here they are riding the dragons! Hannah looks like she's not having fun but she really was! It was past her bedtime and she was pretty sleepy!!!

And for mommy......DEEP FRIED OREO'S!!! Baby enjoyed them and mommy!!! We came home washed up and she went to bed by 8 and went right to sleep!! She usually babbles and practices her words! But not tonight! Hopefully she will sleep well and maybe sleep in a bit tomorrow!!