Saturday, July 31, 2010

Kent Island Carnival!!

Last night we went to the Kent Island Carnival! It was to benefit the Fire Department, they have it every year in our town. It's pretty small but still lots of yummy food and fun rides!!! We went up for a bit on Friday night hoping to catch the fireworks but I didn't take into the fact that fireworks =dark and it gets dark pretty late in the summer! haha so we met our friends and just hung out. Hannah didn't do the rides she just checked everything out and enjoyed watching the other kiddies ride!

So here is Hannah and her friend Kiera riding the train!! Her first ride! :) Although they really are not looking at the camera!! They were taking with my blackberry so the freaking thing has a delay.

Next up the boats! Hannah did not know what to hold onto so she is holding her hands together. She looks like she's praying! haha! The ride was pretty bumpy but she loved it!

Then the airplanes!!! :) She was having a blast! She finally caught on to the whole go around and around, and seeing me wave to her. She would just smile and look back at me then go back to enjoying the ride!

Kiera kept asking to ride the dragons so here they are riding the dragons! Hannah looks like she's not having fun but she really was! It was past her bedtime and she was pretty sleepy!!!

And for mommy......DEEP FRIED OREO'S!!! Baby enjoyed them and mommy!!! We came home washed up and she went to bed by 8 and went right to sleep!! She usually babbles and practices her words! But not tonight! Hopefully she will sleep well and maybe sleep in a bit tomorrow!!

Thursday, July 29, 2010


The twins! Of all the clothes for girls, they had the same outfit! :) So of course they had to sport them while we were there!

We were on our way to dinner and she went to his car and said "bye bye" like she wanted to get in that car which was NOT any of ours and go somewhere! That face is way to funny!!! Like she was caught!

FINALLY a picture of everyone minus Remi but he was out of town for work!! One big happy family in Nashville! At a delicious dinner at Monell's! It was a "family style" restaurant so you sit at huge tables (set for 10) and they bring you dinner in huge bowels of good soul good! Mashed pototoes, corn pudding, fried chicken, baked chicken, pork chops, banana pudding, rolls, hungry yet!?!? It was pretty neat and baby was extremly happy and full!!

Outside there was a little pond with fish so here we are watching them and trying to keep Hannah from jumping in!

My mother in law and I sporting our new stetson cowboy hats!!! Yeehaw!!!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Like I said before we had a BUSY week! So we had a birthday while we were there, GeeGee's!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY GEEGEE!

He spent the morning driving the rest of the way to Nashville and the other just relaxing at the house and after dinner we had cake! Yummy!!! The girls loved sitting across from each other and sharing food, drinks and playing footsie! haha! They are a hoot! One afternoon the girls got all dressed up and went to lunch and shopping while the men kept the girls! It was so much fun to get out and have adult conversations (of course we talked about the girls!) We went to a nice restaurant called Puffy Muffin. It was really yummy and had some AWESOME desserts! I'm not a huge fan of sweets (believe it or not) but even I couldn't get over how yummy and fantastic they looked!!!! Then we headed to the mall afterwards for some shopping and just strolled around.

While we were gone then men were responsible for feeding the girls and entertaining them and then lay them down for a nap! The girls were excellent and had a blast! They napped well and woke up happy. I love this wagon Katherine has and wish we had a garage to store it in! Hannah loved it!

They look like they are caught doing something they probably shouldn't have been maybe feeding the dog??? (Hannah loves to do that)

The girl's before we headed out for an afternoon without the kiddies!!! They stayed back with the men!

Taking a stroll with their grandpa and GeeGee!!!

After the girls woke up we headed to the YMCA! Probably the coolest YMCA I've ever seen! It was like an indoor water park!! Katherine jumped right in and did the slide and Hannah watched a bit then joined right in! She seems to check things out and take it all in then she's ready to play!! My little inspector! We had a full day and I think it was our first full day there!! The girls ate great that night bedtime was super easy!!!!!! Next up DOWNTOWN NASHVILLE!!!!

The group minus Mike and Nick!!! Mike was with us just probably in the steam room!!! Would have been nice to go in there but I don't think the baby would have liked it! haha!

Weeee!!!!!! Katherine flying down the slide!!!!

My monkey LOVED IT!!! Mouth wide open arms up and ready for a mouth full of water!!!!! She's into drinking the pool, ocean, lake, bath any kind of water she's in shes drinking it!

Loving the water spouts! She had a blast there!!!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Nashville Part 1.....

We are now in Nashville, Tennessee visiting family and having a blast! We left last Sunday July 18 and drove half way stopped slept and got up Monday all refreshed and drove the rest of the way! Hannah was AMAZING! I could not get over how well she behaved! She played, slept, ate, watched the mountains pass by!

We got here Monday and the girls met for the first time and have been bff's ever since!! Katherine is 3 weeks older than Hannah but Hannah is a few pounds heavier and a little bit taller! They are just so cute together!!!

Hannah and her GeeGee relaxing in the hotel. Snacking on something yummy I'm sure!

Our welcome committee!!! You see Hannah walking right up to the door like she owned the place!

The girls always a good ice breaker!

I've got to get this for Hannah! She LOVED the shopping cart for food, toys, balls, anything and everything!!! She would fight for this toy if Katherine had it!

Christine, Hannah and Katherine! They were amazing together! We had such a busy jammed packed week but it was sooooooooooooo much fun! I will post more later for now we are packing up and headed out :( It's been a fun but busy week so this preggo mommy is exhausted!

Going to Grandma and GeeGee's!

This summer while me, my mom and Angela (my brother's girlfriend) sweated out in the heat in Va Beach for our summer country concerts, Hannah went to her Grandma's and enjoyed every minute it!!! She was spoiled every minute I have no doubt! The concerts are usually on Friday so I drop her off in the afternoon and pick her up or try to get her back Saturday evening!! They just love keeping her and I get to sleep in and run errands so I don't mind! It works out great! She has a blast and sleeps great b/c they wear her out!!!! She's such a ham!

Love those baby blues!!! Think she's been a beach baby this summer???

Hannah is now tall enough to reach the handles but can't quite pull open the door just yet!!! My parents have doors leading to the sun room and she can open those and slam them!!!

Hannah was helping GeeGee cut the grass! She's such a helper! She loves for you to give her direction and she follows them!

I just love that face! She's the queen of faces! The tounge out is a Smith trait, Remi does it, and GeeGee does it and now Hannah! She was probably playing in the pool in the picture! Look at those tan lines! haha I do keep a ton of suntan lotion on her!!! She just tans easily like me! Thankfully she doesn't burn like her daddy! <3

Is that chocolate I see?!?!!? She looks like she's sooooo surprised!!!!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Massanutten AGAIN!

We had a nice 4th of July and hope you did too! We are still WAY behind on uploading pics and having the right equipment to do so! So I just steal other people's pictures and blog about those!!! One day SOON I will make it to Best Buy and get what I need!

Anyway so Monday July 5, Hannah and I packed up and headed with the inlaws to Massanutten to visit some friends that were visiting from Connecticut! We did not hit the water park like last time because the pools were open and they had a baby area for her to play in.

We all had a blast! It was HOT HOT HOT as the entire summer has been! So we pretty much stayed in the pool the entire time. We had a great day and Hannah did amazing not napping as much as she usually does! She slept a bit on the way and a bit on the way back but that night she slept GREAT!!!! She's a water baby all the way! She has no fear! But I have plenty for the both of us!

I have plenty more to post on the blog so stay tuned!

Hannah and her GeeGee, playing in the mushroom!

Hannah and her "ball" she's into them big time! So grandma borrowed it from another little kid!

Mommy and her water baby!

Cooling off with a popsicle!!

Num Num Num.......

Thursday, July 1, 2010

15 Month appointment.....a little late!

Better late than never right?!?!

I had forgotten to make Hannah's 15 month appointment and I finally made it and it was today so of course preggo me had already made plans to have lunch and shop with a friend in Annapolis for my Birthday so Grandma took her!

Hannah now weights 21.3 pounds! FINALLY hit that 20 pound mark and is 30.5 inches long! Not under weight or over.......she's just right!!! But we already knew that! :)

She's into EVERYTHING! Takes notice of everything I do and copies me such as the keys, she doesn't use the car key to try and put the key into the hole but she uses the right key. I guess she's always in my arms coming into the house that she can see these things! Trash (diapers, tissues, food on floor) all goes into the trash can. Sunglasses on your head, lotion on your body and soap, etc......

She listens and follows commands, go get your shoes, rub Teddy (the dog) bring me your diaper, your sippy cup, go to nana, grandma, papa, mama....go to Hannah's room, mommy's room, car, outside.......

AMAZING to me the stuff she learns! She can say about 10-15 words, mama, dada, nana, papa, dog, up, out, uh oh sketti o's, thank you, GG, (her great grandma) , wa wa (water)

She moves to music a little too good but that comes from daddy! Mommy has no rhythm at all!!! The doctor said to really start letting her be independent (I'm thinking start??... she came OUT being that way) but let her try to do her shoes on and off, go up and down stairs and so on and so on of course with us right next to her. Also if she does wrong in force the NO! And time-outs really don't work till the age of 2 but you can sit with them now and let them know you mean business with a stern voice and look but you need to be consistent!!!

I think that's about it, I felt bad about missing it but I've been to every appointment so far and I knew I would get a full report back from Grandma so I did not worry! I enjoyed getting away and being out with adults!

I just love that little girl so much! She's amazing and will be a GREAT big sister!!!!!!!!!!

Grandma and Aunt Gemma Visit!

This week we had some visitors!!! Grandma and Aunt Gemma came up from Virginia to visit with us! We had a great week! The weather finally cooled down and it was actually enjoyable to be outside! (hard to imagine the last few weeks have been HOT! HOT! HOT!) We hit the mall, doctor appointments for me and baby, lunch out, pool time, friends, walks, etc......

I went Monday to my OB for my 26 week appointment and everything is looking good! Gaining weight (duh! NO problem there!! haha) baby is measuring 26 1/2 weeks along and a very strong heartbeat in the 150's!!! (If you believe wives tails then the higher the heartbeats mean a girl!) That's enough to give Remi gray hairs already, just thinking about having 2 GIRLS! makeup, skirts, boys boys and more boys!!! haha But we don't know the sex and the 2nd time around it's fun to play into those, I never had a feeling about the 1st being a boy or girl but I do this time for some odd reason! We don't care at all! Just a healthy baby is a blessing enough for us!

Picture perfect!

Hannah Banana!!!

So happy when you give her food!!!!! haha

Getting herself in and out the pool SOLO!!!!!! She's such a monkey! Not scared of anything! She climbs out and comes to the side of the pool and wants my hands and jumps in!

This is Hannah's new thing, she puts her fingers in her ears and laughs, I guess she likes how the sounds become muffled, thankfully she's not doing it when I'm talking to her (yet!!) This just cracks me up! Every time I look at it! She's a hoot, really just a all around happy and very comical baby!

She's probably thinking na na na boo boo you can't get me......funny thing is sometimes I can, sometimes I cant! So I guess the joke is on me!

NO FEAR! Face right into the water.

Hannah and her Aunt Gemma, look at those arms straight out.......think someone is ready for lessons yet?!?!