I got some clippers at the store so we decided (well dad suggested it) to shave Teddy once again! And by "we" I mean my dad and Sarah!!! They did a great job! Teddy looked silly but he had to feel 100000 times cooler!! Now a week or so later you can't even tell. He looks like he lost about 10 lbs though! He was sooooo furry! HAHAHA!
So afterwards we were all very hairy we decided to go swimming!!! No need to change, it's my parents pool so in we went!! Jason caught a cool action shot! :) Go brother!
This is probably one of my favorite pictures of her!!! Now that she's more sturdy and moving around she loves to be up in the air and do airplane or just be lifted up high!!! She laughs and giggles whenever you do it!! She's so rough and tough!!!
One night after dinner Angela and I were bored so we saw Mya (Jason and Angelas dog) and I had just painted my toenails so we though hmm.....Lets see if Mya will let us paint her's and she did! This dog thinks she's human!!!! I'm serious! She whines when she's ready for bed, she scarfs her food down then burps just like a human does, she lays on the pillows in the bed with you, and if she's cold she gets under the covers!! Also when we are by the pool she hops on certain floats and lays down and floats around then when she's done she hops out and goes to get on a lounge chair and drys off!!! CRAZY! I love that dog!
You might not be able to tell by this picture but Hannah loves carrots!!! She's has a blast eating! She is too nosey to take the time and chow down so you will be feeding her and she will turn her head, look up, down, all around!!! And of course spit some out!!! She's still soooo pretty even with such a messy face!!!
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