So Hannah's new thing is, rolling over in her sleep. (Which I feared when she started to roll because of this happening) She gets on her belly and startles herself I guess and cry's. So I go in there roll her back give her kisses and she goes right back to sleep!! (amazing) But I don't know to keep up rolling her back or let her cry and 1.) maybe wake herself up and not be able to get her back down or 2.) cry till she figures to roll herself back to her back. She knows how to roll from her back to belly and belly to back but when she's half asleep I guess she forgets!?!? :)
For now she's back on the elevated sleep pad that helps some, she scoots so much that she does end up waking up once b/c she's at the end of it and has rolled over! But that's better than the previous nights and waking up like every 2-3 hours! She didn't even do that when she was a newbie!
Hope everyone is having a great week! Ours is going fine just a little sleepy!!
4 days ago
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