Thursday, August 20, 2009

On the road....again!

And we are off once again! Headed to Richmond for a night then off to Emerald Isle, NC for a week of fun in the sun with my family!!! I can not wait!!!! I can't wait for Hannah to play in the sand once again. (We're gone to the beach here in our neighborhood) See the ocean and dip her feet in it! And of course PICTURES PICTURES PICTURES!!! As I'm writing this I'm a bit sadden b/c Remi won't be joining us, he's away. :( But I know we will have tons more memories to comes in the future so for now Hannah and I and my family will enjoy making them!

Don't know about internet there and of course the camera cord is MIA so sit tight and wait a week and check back!!! When you will find pictures of our beach baby girl!!!

Please pray for a safe journey and an easy one, it will be a long car ride for Hannah! Thanks!!!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Wakie Wakie

So Hannah's new thing is, rolling over in her sleep. (Which I feared when she started to roll because of this happening) She gets on her belly and startles herself I guess and cry's. So I go in there roll her back give her kisses and she goes right back to sleep!! (amazing) But I don't know to keep up rolling her back or let her cry and 1.) maybe wake herself up and not be able to get her back down or 2.) cry till she figures to roll herself back to her back. She knows how to roll from her back to belly and belly to back but when she's half asleep I guess she forgets!?!? :)

For now she's back on the elevated sleep pad that helps some, she scoots so much that she does end up waking up once b/c she's at the end of it and has rolled over! But that's better than the previous nights and waking up like every 2-3 hours! She didn't even do that when she was a newbie!

Hope everyone is having a great week! Ours is going fine just a little sleepy!!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

New Bath Tub!

Today Hailey (my cousin who is visiting from Richmond) Hannah and I went shopping at Babies R Us, Hannah was in need of a new bath tub. She has outgrown her one we use in the kitchen sink. Her head is at the top of it and her feet reach the bottom of it!! If I think about it tomorrow I will take a picture of her in the tub to show you how she has outgrown it!! Please don't mind the tub, it's disgusting! If there is one thing I want redone, it's our bathroom!!!! The tub just looks dirty even when it's not!!! Anyway enough about that, let's see Hannah!

She didn't seem to mind the new seat, it was fun running the water and she was just watching it and she loved being able to kick her feet!!! I had already given her toys in the smaller tub so that was not a big deal but I think she liked the freedom!

I love how when she was really little Remi sprayed her head off and let the water get in her face, a little. She's such a sport when it comes to water. I know when she's bigger she will have no fear but I would rather have that than her be scared of the water. So I had just rinsed her hair (or should I say head, since she has no hair) her face and eyes are all wet but she is still wide eyed! Check out that belly!!! It's growing everyday! She LOVES carrots, sweet potatoes, bananas, peaches, cereal, applesauce!! She's such a good eater!

Hannah you are just so precious! I'm so glad I get to spend everyday with you! I love you baby girl!!


Yesterday Hannah had her first official "playdate"!!!! It was my friend Awbree and her son Austin! He is 9 days older than her! It's so great that they are super close so they hit the milestones together and we have each other offer advice and wisdom too!!! Here is a picture of happy Hannah, the purple elephant vibrated and she just loved that!! Everytime she would just giggle and laugh such a loud laugh! It was super precious! In the picture she looks like casper! She does have color, we do get outside I just lotion her up like crazy!!

Austin is so expressive! He has thg BIGGEST brown eyes I've ever seen! He's just adorable! Hannah wanted to hold Austin's hand! He is like ugh go away silly girl!!

Of course us mommies had a great time, getting out and having have girl talk, (even though we talked about our babies the entire time) haha

And here we have Hannah putting the giraffe in her mouth!!

An snap from up above! :) Thanks Awbree for a fun afternoon!!! Can't wait to do it again soon!!!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

5 Months Old!

We're almost at the half way mark!! She was 5 months old on August 11, 2009!! Man how time flys! From 4 months to 5 months I saw a big change in her! She is sooooooo alert now and noticing things and getting distracted by people, animals, sounds. It's just amazing! She's eating cereal and fruit for breakfast now and at dinner we do a fruit and veggie. She's not a fan of peas! That is one fo the few veggies I do eat! HA! Loves loves loves carrots, she just slurps those down! But I can't give them to her too much otherwise she will turn orange!! She has been pulling up (when you hold her fingers) but she doesnt want to go from laying down to sitting up to standing........she wants to go from laying down to standing up!!! I keep thinking will this child learn to crawl first or just skip that and go to walking?!!?

We're back!!!!

And we are back in action! I did not have a lost camera just me being silly! The camera was in the diaper bag!!! So let's recap what we did while in Richmond, we started off the week having my friend Allison and her son Maddox over!! (They have a prearranged marriage) Maddox is 2 months younger than Hannah! Its a really cute photo, we took many and this is the best one. Of course Hannah is too busy looking at the fan to smile pretty for the camera....girls!

I got some clippers at the store so we decided (well dad suggested it) to shave Teddy once again! And by "we" I mean my dad and Sarah!!! They did a great job! Teddy looked silly but he had to feel 100000 times cooler!! Now a week or so later you can't even tell. He looks like he lost about 10 lbs though! He was sooooo furry! HAHAHA!

So afterwards we were all very hairy we decided to go swimming!!! No need to change, it's my parents pool so in we went!! Jason caught a cool action shot! :) Go brother!

This is probably one of my favorite pictures of her!!! Now that she's more sturdy and moving around she loves to be up in the air and do airplane or just be lifted up high!!! She laughs and giggles whenever you do it!! She's so rough and tough!!!

One night after dinner Angela and I were bored so we saw Mya (Jason and Angelas dog) and I had just painted my toenails so we though hmm.....Lets see if Mya will let us paint her's and she did! This dog thinks she's human!!!! I'm serious! She whines when she's ready for bed, she scarfs her food down then burps just like a human does, she lays on the pillows in the bed with you, and if she's cold she gets under the covers!! Also when we are by the pool she hops on certain floats and lays down and floats around then when she's done she hops out and goes to get on a lounge chair and drys off!!! CRAZY! I love that dog!

You might not be able to tell by this picture but Hannah loves carrots!!! She's has a blast eating! She is too nosey to take the time and chow down so you will be feeding her and she will turn her head, look up, down, all around!!! And of course spit some out!!! She's still soooo pretty even with such a messy face!!!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Lost camera :(

Hey, we have been in Richmond for the past 2 weeks, having a blast enjoying family and friends!! We had a wonderful time and she's eating lots of baby food and I had lots of picture's and videos to post but I think I left my camera at my parents or somewhere. :(

Hannah loves carrots and bananas!!! We have tried applesauce, peaches, shes not a big fan of peas!!! I hope its at home. This week I have my cousin Hailey up visiting so it's great having a help and company!!! Hope you all are doing great!!