On Wednesday I had Chloe and Carson for the first time since I had Hannah, it was great seeing the girl's and I think the girls like loving on Hannah just a little bit! :) When I first got there I had Carson because Chloe was at school so Carson wanted to head to the mall and get a pretzel!! So we did just that and she played in the play area then we had to pick Chloe up at school and she just about leaped into my arm's screaming Mrs. Ashley and Hannah!!!!!!! It was precious! So here are my girls!!!! I took a few but never got one with all three of them looking at the camera! Oh well it's still really cute!!
So this year I had my first Mother's Day and it was really special!! We went home for the weekend to Richmond. I headed down Friday morning early with Hannah that way I got to see my friends and do lunch with them. My friend Allison was due anytime and I haven't seen her since my baby shower so we got to catch up and on Sunday she went into labor and had a healthy baby boy Maddox James!! So CONGRATULATIONS ALLISON AND JIM!! I can't wait to see her and meet the baby boy!!! It was so exciting that she went into labor on Mother's day! We were all saying when she was during lunch, I said Fri night into Saturday morning because it was a full moon that night.
So for my Mother's Day.....HE WENT TO JARED!!! :o) He's the best and always knows what to get! I get a beautiful necklace! Remi had put paint on Hannah's foot and did her footprint on the cards for our mom's and on my bag! So creative! She did not mind at all, she let him paint her and clean her up without any fuss! She's the best!!!! I love her! So since Remi did that with Hannah he decided for my brother's girlfriend Angela he was going to make a paw print on a card for her from their dog Mya! That was just too funny!!
Mya was ok for this process, she just wanted to eat the paper and lick her paw!! I hope all of you moms had a great day!!!! Sorry this blog is so long, I had to play catch up!!
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