Hannah had her 2 month visit to Dr.K today and she now weights 10 lbs 14 oz and is 23 inches long!!! She's learning to hold her head up and can for a little bit at a time. She's getting better about tummy time and can lift her head up from the floor!!! I can't believe how fast they grow! :) It's amazing! I can not believe how happy she makes me, I love that little girl sooo much!! Here is a super cute picture of her during tummy time!!

Here is the 2 month picture we took on Monday! This is the pose we are doing for her 12 month picture frame!!! I love the belly! I like the way it looks without the blanket you can really see how long she is! So the one on the top is 2 months and the bottom one is 1 month! See the difference!??! WOW! Have a great weekend!

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