I did this whole blog about her 7 months then it got deleted and didn't save!! Very upsetting! So I finally sat back down and here I'am doing it again!
Policewomen Hannah says STOP and slow down baby Tessa!!!! You are growing and changing so much!!!!
Here there baby girl, you are growing too quick! I want to capture and remember everything about you every minute of the day! You are such a happy easy baby (just like Hannah was(is ha!)) I can't believe I got of you guys! I must have done something right :)
This is your signature look, when your not eating, sleeping your fingers are in your mouth 2 of them. Not 1, not the thumb but your pointer and ring finger! Your Geegee was attached to those same fingers when he was little! How cute! Lets see, you are....
15 pounds now, 25 inches long. So much bigger from the 6 lbs baby you were but still a little squirt compared to most babies! :) You eat like a champ! 3 meals a day. Breakfast you have fruit and oatmeal, lunch is fruit and veggie with rice cereal and diner is the same! You nurse about 3-4 times a day for 10-15 minutes! And have a snack or 2 throughout the day!!! You LOVE the puffs and the yogurt melts and Hannah is always asking for "sissy's snack" she digs your treats too!! You sleep really well!!!! You both go to bed around 7pm and sometimes you get up once but usually you sleep till 530am nurse then go back to bed till 7 sometimes even 9!!! It's amazing! I try to limit our activities due to your naps but you always get in at least one GOOD nap that is 2-3 hours! I can't complain you 2 are a blessing!!!!
You are rolling ALL over the place! I even find you on your belly after your naps! Finally you don't mind being on your belly!!! You hated tummy time in the beginning! You are not sitting up on your own yet but its' soon! You are SO close! You love peek a boo, songs, being tickled, sloppy kisses and you can even make your own nosies! Its so fun to watch you develop and whenever you do something new Hannah notices too and gets excited! It's great! I love you baby girl!!!!!!!
4 days ago
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