Thursday, May 19, 2011

Down on the farm

 We went to the farm last week with our moms group!!! It was such an amazing time!!! We love animals! I love that Hannah's hair is long enough for pigtails or "piggy tails 1 or 2" as she calls it! haha. I love taking the girls picture together but rarely do I get a good one of BOTH of them looking at the camera its usually stink pot Hannah looking the other way on purpose but today its Tess gazing up at something. Maybe she see's milk floating or baby puffs floating who knows?!??! But still it's cute.

Hannah's new obsession is ponies! Ever since we went to Thomas. She doesn't really care to look at them or feed them now she just wants to ride ponies or get one of her own, She still says "Hannah pony home". Too funny. 

Hannah getting her wish. Riding the pony! Doesn't she look so proud??

Petting the baby chicken. I dont think Hannah was scared but she was definitely timid. There were also 30 kids yelling and screaming all around us. But she went up and touched him! 

Hanging out with her crush, Ethan the stud man! He was saying NO NO and trying to shake his hand loose from her grip! She got upset that he didn't want to hold her hand! Silly boys!!!

The rooster was showing off and Hannah even though she's loud does not like loud nosies.......GO figure huh!?!? So she holds her hands over her ears and says (LOUDLY noise noise) !??!!?

Feeding the goats....I had to watch her carefully because the lady said it was a snack and well duh to a 2 year old you say the word snack and they think it's for them but it wasn't.........and she didn't understand that!

Walking around like she owns the farm.

7 Months

 I did this whole blog about her 7 months then it got deleted and didn't save!! Very upsetting! So I finally sat back down and here I'am doing it again!

Policewomen Hannah says STOP and slow down baby Tessa!!!! You are growing and changing so much!!!!

Here there baby girl, you are growing too quick! I want to capture and remember everything about you every minute of the day! You are such a happy easy baby (just like Hannah was(is ha!)) I can't believe I got of you guys! I must have done something right :)

 This is your signature look, when your not eating, sleeping your fingers are in your mouth 2 of them. Not 1, not the thumb but your pointer and ring finger! Your Geegee was attached to those same fingers when he was little! How cute! Lets see, you are....
15 pounds now, 25 inches long. So much bigger from the 6 lbs baby you were but still a little squirt compared to most babies! :) You eat like a champ! 3 meals a day. Breakfast you have fruit and oatmeal, lunch is fruit and veggie with rice cereal and diner is the same! You nurse about 3-4 times a day for 10-15 minutes! And have a snack or 2 throughout the day!!! You LOVE the puffs and the yogurt melts and Hannah is always asking for "sissy's snack" she digs your treats too!! You sleep really well!!!! You both go to bed around 7pm and sometimes you get up once but usually you sleep till 530am nurse then go back to bed till 7 sometimes even 9!!! It's amazing! I try to limit our activities due to your naps but you always get in at least one GOOD nap that is 2-3 hours!  I can't complain you 2 are a blessing!!!!
You are rolling ALL over the place! I even find you on your belly after your naps! Finally you don't mind being on your belly!!! You hated tummy time in the beginning! You are not sitting up on your own yet but its' soon! You are SO close! You love peek a boo, songs, being tickled, sloppy kisses and you can even make your own nosies! Its so fun to watch you develop and whenever you do something new Hannah notices too and gets excited! It's great! I love you baby girl!!!!!!!

Mothers Day Weekend

 Well we had an interesting MDW, first of all that week the girls took turns being sick ( no fun for any of us) so by mid week this momma was exhausted! Then Friday I woke up sick with a stomach bug and we had plans to go to Richmond for Remi's sisters bachelorette party! For my Mother's Day I was going to go out on the town! Dinner, drinks, dancing, girlfriends!!! It sounded heavenly! But I decided it was best if I stayed home and was with the girls and Remi and rest!!! He took good care of me and pampered me not just because it was MD but b/c he loves me! I'm so lucky!!! So Hannah and daddy worked outside ALL weekend me and  Tess slept, rested and relaxed!!! AMAZING!!! I was really bummed to have missed out on Gemma's festivities but I knew she was in goods hands and she had the time of her life! Plus I would have been a drag, an old married lady with 2 kids....loser! ha!

My little Hannah Banana smiling for me with her bunny named "bunny" from Grandma!

It was a HOT weekend so we broke out the baby pool she played with her water toys.

Girlfriend is rocking the eyelashes and has been from day 1.......Pretty AMAZING if ya ask me!

MY love bug! I love her fuzzy head and toothless smiles.......makes me want 10 more!!!!! haha

Sunday before church. They look thrilled huh!?!?

Oh my! I can't believe she's mine (ours)

and WE get her TOO!! How lucky are we?!?!? If you look at this photo close enough you see a lot of snot! haha YUP a cold is what we dealt with that week and fever, and throwing up, and being clogged up. WAY fun!
But it came at a good week because at the end was.......... MOTHER'S DAY!! And isn't that what being a mom is all about!??! I was sad not to be with my mom or mother in law that weekend. First time in a LONG TIME that we weren't together! But I have my own family now and even though it's harder on me than probably my own mom, I'm learning they come first and we can start our own traditions! I LOVE YOU MOM! You are the best and everything that I'am today I learned from you (and Dad) xoxox We love you and miss you!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Cinco de Mayo

Better late than never huh?? But these days it seems to be our nature to be late and behind on everything!! Its always something. Do we ever catch up on things???

My grandma (Hannah's Meme) got her this dress in Mexico especially for this day! And to go into her dress up. She loved the dress we wore it to Bible study and she strutted herself through the halls and did the turns and spins whenever someone commented on her outfit :) Show off much!??!

Tess seems the puff wants the puff but doesn't quite know how to get it to her mouth.....just wait it's coming...
A little help from mommy and shes a happy camper.

Dancing Queen. 

Our tiny dancer.

Hide and go Seek.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Tuesday Playdates

 Well spring/summer is back in full swing in Maryland now!!!!!! Those hot, sticky, sandy, pool days are just ahead and we can't NOT wait!!! We had a lovely Tuesday afternoon at Carolyn's the other day! Shes like a breath of fresh air. I can not tell you enough how relaxing it is to be around her. The big girls play,fight, make up while we sit back gab and nurse the little girls! It's amazing. It's what I think therapy would be like but more fun and way cheaper!

Somehow when you have kids, playdates are AMAZING and you NEED them but it's usually not relaxing once they start crawling and taking off! But it always been relaxing at my house or her house! I LOVE that and NEED that. I'm thinking next time drinks will make it even better! Its summertime why not right?!?!

Well here is me and mini me! <3

Hannah banana stripped down b/c we didn't bring our swimsuit to play in the sprinklers! Oh well no boys around its diaper time!

Maddie in actions! Blurry but a good action shot with the cheap point and shoot I use while with the kiddies!

The girls frolicking around the yard!!! They get cuter everyday! They love each other and Hannah still calls all her friends (no matter their names) Maddie! 

The LOVE this swing.

Higher, faster, more, higher is what they shout the entire time. YUP good times!

Driving the boat!

Maddie the monkey swing'in down the slide :)
Thanks for ALL the good times girlfriend now how about some pictures of the mommy's?!?!?!

Creepy Crawlers

 Last week we went to the Chesapeake Bay Environmental Center and did our monthly outing there "Creepy Crawlers" It's awesome and very hands on as you can tell!!! I wasn't the best mom b/c I did not allow Hannah to go catach tadpoles with the net into the water. She was just fine "fishing" in a HUGE puddle of rain with some other friends! I was wearing Tessa so it wouldn't have been easy or fun for me to go running and catch her :)

She didn't mind or even notice! Her and Grace had a blast playing in the water (yucky) with other little crawlers! They may dress super girly and sport bows BUT don't be fooled they like to get dirty!

I think they were wet up to their elbows.....atleast my child was! Thanks Tara for taking these pictures!

Monday, May 9, 2011


This is Tessa at 2 1/2 months old. I love her gummy smile!!!! :)
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Thomas #2

Hannah LOVED the pony ride! We couldn't believe how much they had there to do other than the main attraction Thomas! They had a petting zoo, pony rides, moon bounces, hay mazes, food, carousal rides, and a playground!!!! All of that kept her busy for quite a while!!!!!!!!

I didn't know how she would be with the pony, she saw it was excited to see one but got right up there and didn't think twice! She sat up there all still and smiling from ear to ear!

Ok maybe NOT all smiles b/c the pony was not moving but once it was moving she was happy!

SEE???? She loved it! I think she was even laughing!!!! She was tickled pink :)

Smith trait photo..... tongue out!

LOVED the merry go round but once again NOT moving so she was bored.

Playing camera shy, pretending to not have fun to hopefully stop the cameras from going off from the daddy paparazzi.

How cool is that?? A Thomas train made from Legos!!!!!! 2 of daddy's favorite things!

So quick story, I was in awe at this thing and Hannah was too, daddy was elsewhere with Tess and I got her out of stroller and NOT even 1 second later she was under the rope trying to touch, climb, kiss, break Thomas!!!! I was in shock! It was the quickest thing I have ever seen.  didn't see. So I quickly picked her up and placed her on the other side to pose for ONE picture then off we went to something else not breakable in 1000000 pieces!

 Pony ride in her new Thomas shirt and once again tongue out!

A very sleepy and wiped out Hannah!!!! She wouldnt take the shirt off for like 2 days.......then she had to sleep in it for a few nights........I think its safe to say we have a slight train lover here!

Hannah's day out with Thomas!

 Last Friday we went to the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Museum to see Thomas the Train! It was awesome! We couldn't have asked for a better day! Great adventure, great weather, great kids! :0)

Waiting oh so patiently (She really was amazing for the entire day!!) to board  for Thomas! She was sporting her red/white overall dress for the event!

All aboard!!!!!!!!!! Choo Choo!!!!!!!! Can you see the excitement/anticipation in Hannah's face?!??

THOMAS!!!!!!!!! Hannah saw this and squealed like I have never heard her squeal before! :) Just want we wanted!

My fav's

Hannah crawling through the tunnels.

The hay maze, She loved it!!!!!!! Who would have thought stacks of hay would have been so much fun!!!

The Smith trait tongue out! Daddy does it, Hannah does it!