I had told you guys when my cousin Lauren was visiting with her BF Adam we went bowling and forgot the camera but I had taken a few with my blackberry but never emailed them to myself. Well I finally did b/c my awesome computer geek husband fixed my computer (thanks baby!!) so it runs much better and I can now save pictures and know where they were saved too! (long story but basically the computer took over and did it's own thing) Anyway! Here is Hannah's first time bowling she had a blast and loved rolling the ball (she's obsessed with balls! HA I know!)
Stylin' it up in the sassy bowling shoes!
Daddy showing her how to roll,throw,drop the ball!
w a t c h i n g i t s l o w l y go d o w n t h e l a n e.
There was a ton of birthday a parties so afterwards we grabbed this little helper! You put the ball on it and just push and it guides it straight! Well somewhat!
She loved watching the balls return and of course the fan!!! You can see her hair blowing up! Too funny she would just laugh and laugh!
Again and again again
We had a blast not breaking 100!! Well some of us did but some didn't! haha Lauren come back and visit we loved having you guys!!! :) Bowling is always so much fun and entertaining to people watch!
4 days ago
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