Still such a happy girl!!

Her BFF Madeline pushing her in the swing! Both the girls LOVE to swing and to push the swing!!

AAahhhh hot summer lazy days relaxing in the chair! She takes breaks all on her own when she gets tired!

After our 21 week ultrasound appointment giving kisses to the frame where the baby picture is!

Red, White and Blue!! HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY!!!!!!!!!! (A little behind I know but I'm playing catch up!) I still want to find a smock dress that's patriotic for the 4th of July and just anytime!!! She has a cute little tank from Old Navy with a flag on it and this outfit which I LOVE!!!! It look's so cute on her and being in Annapolis it's perfect GO NAVY!!!!! (It has an anchor on it!) Daddy loves blue and anchors so we are on a search for the perfect dresses (I guess me too) when he comes home and we go to the airport!!!!!!!!

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