Today I had my 21 week ultrasound, where if we had wanted to know the sex we would have been able to find out!! The lab tech said she knew what it was but we didn't even notice when she moved it around and was able to see it the sex.haha!
Remi was out of town and these appointments are 1 in a 1000 to get so we just kept the appointment and my mom came up and went with me!! She had not been since she had my brother 22 years ago! Man they have come a long way!!!! It was pretty awesome! I love hearing the heartbeat! It was nice and strong in the 140's and the baby weights 15 ozs almost 1 lb!! :) The growth is right on target and the baby has 2 hands and 2 feet and all the parts look perfect!!
We had 3 or 4 pictures and one of them was a 3d and again it was creepy looking! The baby is too tiny and fraile looking for it to look like a baby! Hannah enjoyed looking at her baby brother or sister she's trying to say the word "baby" it's just babble now!
Afterwards we ran a bunch of errands and Hannah fell asleep in the car we came home relaxed and had more naps then headed to a friends house and had a blast in their backyard watching the kiddies play in the baby pool!!! Hannah's been asleep for almost 2 hours now and I'm worn out!!! A very fun and exciting day!!!
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