I can not believe I have not posted this yet!! Almost 2 weeks now Hannah cut her first tooth then only a few days later then other one posted through! So she has 2 teeth on the bottom. What a big girl!!! She cut the one on the left first then the right one popped up. They are both through but not fully raised up yet.
She does not want much to do with baby food anymore! She wants big people food! She's awesome at chewing and mashing things up, and not putting too many in her mouth at once! She is good at the coordination from her hands/fingers to her mouth. She's like a shovel! Does not drop much and what she does the dog gets! I wish this picture was better. I will try to take more later today for you to see. But its difficult!
She's been kinda fussy the past few days, could just be rough days, maybe she's getting sick again or teething?? Who knows? I'm going just a bit stir crazy with all the rain and my Hannah not being a happy baby. Things will turn around soon I'm sure!!!
I miss Hannah sooo much. I have not seen her since August. It seems like so long ago. I am glad she is getting good use out out of the highchair. Give her a BIG HUG AND KISS from AUNT CATHY and cousin Brandon. Hope to see you soon. Love, Cathy and Brandon