Monday, November 30, 2009

Guess who's back.....


We were so excited to go to the airport to pick Daddy up on Saturday evening! We parked, went in and got to wait for him to get off the plane!! We made a sign to he could spot us easier! :)

It was a perfect homecoming to the end of Thanksgiving weekend! We have so much to be thankful for this holiday season! Hannah was amazed by Remi's facial hair!!! She kept playing with it! (maybe that will teach him to keep it trimmed!)

Us waiting patiently for the plane to arrive!!!

Pulling all on Daddys ears and hair! :)

Haha! Stop talking to mommy, daddy talk to me!

A little bit of a celebration for mommy and daddy!!

Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers and for keeping me sane!!!! Love you all!


I hope everyone had a great and wonderful Thanksgiving with their family and friends! We enjoyed a wonderful dinner with some friends of ours and their family! It was amazing!
They are like our family away from home! We are so thankful we met the Hurd's! They have done so much for us I don't even know where to begin! The way Remi travels for work I know my mom and mother in law (and Remi of course) rest easier at night knowing we have such wonderful people looking after Hannah and I! We not only have gotten to know them really well but both of their extended famililes as well. It felt like being at home, surrounded by so many people! Kids were running around wild, music playing, people laughing, Hannah crawling all over the place!!! What more could you ask for???

Hannah setting SO BIG in her booster seat just waiting to try turkey, green beans, sweet potatoes, corn, mashed potatoes......for the first time!

I'M READY!!!!!! Lets get this show on the road!

num num num, (notice the bib got in the way so it's a battle on off on off on off..)

More mom please???? :)

Sooo stuffed! I think I need a nap now!

Crawling off the delicous dinner!!


Thursday, November 26, 2009

8 Months

Hannah is 8 months old!! (well like 8 months and 2 weeks!) Once again I'm a little behind on taking her monthly picture's, weighing and measuring her! When we don't have the healthy doctor appointments I get behind! haha

So she is weighing in at a whopping 17 pounds, I want to say 27 inches (is that crazy??!) I can't remember and the info is upstairs in Hannah's room and she's suppose to be napping BUT I think she's playing instead! Let's see what is she up to these days.....

-crawling like a champ....speedy is her name!
-pulling up and everything
-saying dada! (first word)
-working on "uh oh" it comes out ahhh!
-eating a lot of table food, she's really good with the finger mouth coordination
-drinking out of her sippy cup and actually drinking it instead of it running down her chin!
-her personality is coming out more and more, when I take something away that she shouldn't have she grunts! haha

I'm sure lots more but I can't think of them right now!


Tuesday, November 24, 2009


I can not believe I have not posted this yet!! Almost 2 weeks now Hannah cut her first tooth then only a few days later then other one posted through! So she has 2 teeth on the bottom. What a big girl!!! She cut the one on the left first then the right one popped up. They are both through but not fully raised up yet.

She does not want much to do with baby food anymore! She wants big people food! She's awesome at chewing and mashing things up, and not putting too many in her mouth at once! She is good at the coordination from her hands/fingers to her mouth. She's like a shovel! Does not drop much and what she does the dog gets! I wish this picture was better. I will try to take more later today for you to see. But its difficult!

She's been kinda fussy the past few days, could just be rough days, maybe she's getting sick again or teething?? Who knows? I'm going just a bit stir crazy with all the rain and my Hannah not being a happy baby. Things will turn around soon I'm sure!!!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Chillaxin Gal

These crack me up! I CAN NOT wait to see what Hannah has in store for us when she get's bigger and really starts talking!! She does the funniest things now! This morning I was feeding her breakfast and she kept squirming around and was finally satisfied sitting like this!

:) She's such a funny girl! Whenever she's in the stroller she has her foot up like that as well, when we're at the mall, walking, running, anytime! I guess she is so relaxed like that!!!

Here is my big girl sitting up just playing in her crib waiting patiently (sometimes...haha) for me to come get her!!!

Happy Thanksgiving!!! Gobble Gobble!!

Dada Dada Dada

Here is the cutest video I have ever gotten on camera yet.....just wait till her daddy see's and hears her saying dada dada dada it's going to melt his heart!!! I joke and say I have raised you for 8 months, nursed you and cuddled you, played, changed countless diapers, been home with you every day and you said dada first?!?! Thanks a lot Hannah!!! Of course Remi is a wonderful dad and I couldnt ask for a better, so I'm proud to say that "dada" was her first word!!

He's such a wonderful guy, I'm so lucky that he works so hard so I can stay home with my girl!! We wil be married 4 years on May 14 and we waited a little over 3 years to have kids and why?? What did we do with our nights/weekends?? It all seems so long and far ago everything that mattered then seems so meaningless now. Hannah is our world. Get dressed up, a babysitter go out spend money,???? We would rather sit at home and watch movies together!!! He ordered a new surround sound, (what for??? Ours now works great but it's a guy thing) so I can't wait to get it hooked up and try it out! It will take me years to learn how to work it but that's ok I got Remi to be in control of the remote! :)

What was your child's first words???

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Are you this happy to eat?!??

Here is a little video of Hannah at breakfast having a grand time laughing and playing! She's such a hoot!!! I love this little girl soooooooooooo much!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Hannah's New Trick!

This is how I found Hannah this afternoon when I heard her babbling after her nap!!!! She actually did it yesterday for the first time but I didn't catch it on camera! Today I had it all ready to go when I went into her room each time!!! So at 8 months and 5 days old she is pulling herself up. She's a determined little girl! She pulls up (with you holding her hands/fingers) so effortlessly. WOW! She can also stand on her own for a few seconds!!! haha! Usually she gets distracted and ends up wobbling forwards or backwards! I'm guessing she will be walking by Christmas! :) Hope everyone had a good Monday! We got out and went on another nice walk today it was beautiful!!!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Beach day in November??

Today it was amazing outside!!!!! Probably close to 70!!! After 3-4 days of rain!!! It was awesome! We opened up the windows, had a nice breeze throughout the house! We had gotten dressed and needed to change our clothes to something cooler! No sweaters needed today!!

Hannah LOVED the swing!! My parents were up visiting and my dad was pushing her in the swing and she was just laughing out loud so much! It was adorable!

My little girl! I can't get over how sweet she is!!!

All smiles!!!!!

So she finally got annoyed with her hat on and decided to take it off!!

She never messed with it when we were on vacation this summer, she was so funny, she kept it on for a little bit then would take it off put it on again and again!

Hannah and her cousin Chloie! They are BFF's and love on each other all the time!!!

My little beach baby!!!

I hope that the weather does not change to quickly! It always gives me migraines and get's our friends sick so we can't play!!! That's no fun!!!! Well we hope everyone is doing great staying healthy and getting ready for THANKSGIVING!!! YUMMY!!

C is for COOKIE!!!

Hannah had her first teething cookie tonight after dinner. At first she was not sure what it was then she got a few licks of it and LOVED it!!! I guess she was full from dinner because she ate only half of it. :) She's getting GREAT at sitting in the highchair and picking up foods with her fingers and getting it to her mouth. She can do pea's, carrots, baby cheetos, baby yogurt bites, puffs, toast, anything that we normally eat I usually try to break some off and let Hannah try it. Sometimes she gets it in the mouth sometimes it goes on the floor for Teddy! I don't think Teddy is complaining!!!

I can't get over how much she has changed in the past 8 months , time really does fly!! We are so blessed with an amazing baby!!!

More bath fun

It seems that I just blog about bath time, and I don't know why!! I think that time of night we are unwinding and I have the camera near me I suppose?? Well anyway here is a picture of my baby girl playing and getting everything off the counter that she can reach!! She's a monkey girl!

Check out those baby blue's!!!! She is something else, this girl LOVES to be scared, tossed around, up down and all around, loves water being poured on her her. She just laughs and laughs! I can't wait to watch her grow up and its happening so quickly already!!!!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

We went out last night.....

We went out last night
Like we swore we wouldn’t do
Drank too much beer last night
A lot more than we wanted to
There were girls from Argentina and Arkansas
Maine, Alabama and Panama
All mixed together and having a ball

Yeah, we went went out last night
One thing started leading to another
Out last night
Getting to know everybody and their mother
There were two karaoke girls drunk on a dare
Singing “I Got You Babe” by Sonny and Cher
Yeah, life was good everywhere
We went out last night

Gotta love Kenny Chesney!! Not only good looking BUT great songs!!!

Yeah We went out last night BUT now our (atleast my) night outs don't end up with a hangover!!! My very best super awesome friend Sarah came up for a LONG weekend and we 3 girls had a blast!!! I got a babysitter and we went to a bar! WooHoo!!! One beer and a nice plate of dinner served to me and I got to eat it without feeding anyone else! It was GREAT!! I know it's important to get out and socialize with adults once in a while so when I get an opportunity I jump on it!!! I love getting dressed up and having girl time!

We did nothing but pretty much SHOP SHOP SHOP the entire weekend and mostly of us and not the baby (believe me I'm not being selfish she just has way more clothes than ANY child I know) It was AWESOME! I can't wait to wear the new things!!!

Thank you sooooooooooo much Sarah for a lovely weekend we LOVE you and can't wait to see you again!!!!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Get me outta here!

Here is a funny video of Hannah shaking the crib and being her normal happy self! I stood her up but she held onto the crib and held herself up just fine. I'm not rushing her pulling herself up and trying to escape like her Uncle Jason use to do all the time! haha! She's definitely a monkey girl!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


A few weekends ago I was in Richmond and I did the Breast Cancer walk downtown! We all know someone who has had or has breast cancer in our lives, so I did this walk for my Aunt Patty who passed away years ago from it and for my good friend Ginny's mom (Sharon) got diagnosed like a week or two before this event. The doctors believe it's in the early stages and chemo will prob not be needed!!! Her surgery is coming up in a few weeks! So please just keep Sharon and her family in your prayers!

Happy Fall!

Hey I hope everyone had a great halloween!!! I'm having a few minor problems with our desktop so I can't upload pictures or put videos up. If i do it's from the blackberry so they are not the best pictures!!! Please stay tuned it should be fixed soon!!!!

-We now have a full out crawler!! She goes everywhere!
-She has a new love for cords of any kind! Computer, Lamps, hairdryer, get the picture!!
-She mimic's sounds and when you talk to her she will babble back!
-Baaaa, Daaaaaa, Ahhhhh and of course her high pitch squeals!
-We are working on the cry method at nights, she's always been a great sleeper but she wakes sometimes and me being alone at night alot I nurse her and sooth her, so that's stopping.
-She is trying to pull up....ALREADY really???!
-Still no teeth! But the drooling has started pouring out!

Happy Fall to you all!